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Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes

The postgraduate program represents the highest level of the Educational System in Mexico and its main objective is the training of professionals, specialists, scientists, humanists, technologists and professors-researchers capable of applying, innovating and transmitting current, academically relevant and socially relevant knowledge in different areas and disciplines; capable of influencing the development of Aguascalientes and Mexico.

The Autonomous University of Aguascalientes has been consolidated as the State's Highest House of Studies and is projected nationally and internationally for its academic quality, increased educational offer, research and technological development, as well as cultural dissemination and support work which has earned it its prestige and recognition, since it has 92% of its institutional programs and 100% of its interinstitutional postgraduates within the National Postgraduate Program of Quality (PNPC) of the National Council of Science and Technology in Mexico , the highest scientific and technological body in the country; while at the international level we continue to incorporate programs for the evaluation of various agencies. The Institution also has 14 medical specialty programs linked to the health sector, programs oriented to the profession, of which 78% are in level 1 of the evaluation carried out by the Interinstitutional Committees for the Evaluation of Higher Education ( CIEES); and 21% are accredited by the PNPC. Also, 36% of the postgraduate programs have been evaluated at an international level specifically by the University Association Iberoamericana de Postgraduates (AUIP) and the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP): the Doctorate in Administrative Sciences, Doctorate in Sciences Biological Sciences, Doctorate in Sociocultural Studies, Master's Degree in Educational Research, Master's Degree in Science: Plant Biotechnology or Toxicology, Master's in Science with Agronomic or Veterinary options, Master's in Computer Science and Computational Technologies, Master's in Tax and Master's in Administrative Sciences, achieving with it the positioning of our graduate programs in levels of quality of global competition. At present, two doctoral programs are being evaluated.

The UAA has an integrated offer of postgraduate educational programs that responds to clear needs of permanent education, with a high level of quality backed by the recognition of these by organizations and / or standards of excellence, and with elements of flexibility that allow attendance different training needs of the professionals involved in them. Likewise, this is a diversified offer that includes programs oriented to both the profession and research, as well as institutional and inter-institutional programs that meet criteria of social need and the capacity of the University to offer them.

The search for accreditation of graduate programs at both national and international level has been a clear reference for the efforts made at the University . On the one hand, because it has oriented the development of the postgraduate course towards the achievement of high quality standards; on the other, because in order to achieve this, a system of assurance and improvement of the quality of the postgraduate course has been designed and implemented, which has resulted in a high percentage of accredited programs and a high average terminal efficiency.

The hallmark of the postgraduate programs of the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes is.

  • Relevant curricula.
  • Student-centered programs, where a tutor will be assigned a follow-up member of the Academic Council of the program and a tutor who will guide him in his training.
  • Subjects can be taken inside or outside the Institution, favoring the mobility of students and their competitive training in the global world.
  • The acquired training allows to develop Research, technological development, innovations and the solution to social problems.
  • The Postgraduate Programs of the UAA are supported by an academic plan of their own, qualified, experienced and sufficient to attend to the students ensuring the training as a researcher and professional of high level. Most of the professors are recognized by the National System of Researchers, competent in the generation, application and transmission of knowledge, with national and international recognition.
  • The constant updating of knowledge is of paramount importance for every professional. For this reason, the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes invites all professionals to Ensure their Academic Excellence by studying a postgraduate in this house of studies and to be competitive and offer concrete solutions in their professional activities.

When studying at the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes they will obtain:

  • Knowledge, skills, attitudes and values ​​to face their professional development, research to confront the labor world and contribute to the development of Aguascalientes and Mexico.
  • Linkage with own teachers, experts in the area, with experience through the activities of scientific, technological and professional research raised in the curriculum.
  • Linkage with national and international professionals thanks to the advice of the tutor responsible for their training.
  • Experience in multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and teamwork, sharing the advances of the thesis or practical work with students from different disciplinary areas.

For all of the above, the General Directorate for Research and Postgraduate Studies invites you to learn about the Educational Offer offered by the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes to update and strengthen your professional and research training. Welcome.!!!

  • Aguascalientes

    Avenida Universidad 940, Ciudad Universitaria, Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, 20130, Aguascalientes

    Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes