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UNIDERP Universidade Anhanguera - University Of Anhanguera


The Campo Grande Higher Education Center (CESUP) was created in 1974, constituting the product of the evolution of a set of traditional educational institutions and the initiative of idealistic educators from the State, with the objective of integrating experiences, ideals, and heritage, to meet the aspirations and needs of the population of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul. Since then, CESUP has made significant progress in the development of its educational project, creating, in 1974, the Professor Plínio Mendes dos Santos Higher Education Center, offering undergraduate and graduate courses, carrying out research, and setting up extension projects.

The Campo Grande Higher Education Center (CESUP) was created in 1974, constituting the product of the evolution of a set of traditional educational institutions and the initiative of idealistic educators from the State, with the objective of integrating experiences, ideals, and heritage, to meet the aspirations and needs of the population of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul.

Since then, CESUP has made significant progress in the development of its educational project, creating, in 1974, the Professor Plínio Mendes dos Santos Higher Education Center, offering undergraduate and graduate courses, carrying out research, and setting up extension projects.

In addition, it expanded its updating beyond the limits where its headquarters is installed, creating, in 1989, a unit in Rio Verde de Mato Grosso (MS), to meet the demand for higher education in that region and its area of ​​influence.

As a result of its own development, in 1990, CESUP asked the then Federal Council of Education for authorization to transform the Professor Plínio Mendes dos Santos Higher Education Center into a University for the Development of the State and the Pantanal Region (Uniderp).

This request was approved by the Consultation Letter by Opinion No. 43/91 - CFE, of December 20, 1991, and the University Project, by Opinion No. 126/92 - CFE, approved by the Ministry of Education on July 2, 1992, The recognition of the institution by the current National Education Council was given by Opinion No. 153/96, of December 2, 1996, ratified by Presidential Decree of December 18, 1996.

In 2008, with the publication of Portaria SESu nº 879 on November 18, 2008, Uniderp changed its name to Universidade Anhanguera-Uniderp. In addition, it started to have Anhanguera Educacional SA as its maintaining entity, through Ordinance SESu nº 1,620 / 09, published in the Official Gazette on November 16, 2009.

  • Rua Miguel Couto

    Avenida Ceará,333, 79003-010, Rua Miguel Couto



    UNIDERP Universidade Anhanguera - University Of Anhanguera