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Universitas Gadjah Mada


Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) was officially established on December 19, 1949 as a national university. Considered one of the oldest universities in Indonesia, UGM serves as a pillar of educational awakening in Indonesia and purports to be a defender and disseminator of Pancasila. Now UGM has 18 Faculties, one Postgraduate School (Magister and Doctoral), and one Vocational School. Most of the faculties in the UGM consist of several departments and study programs.

Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) was officially established on December 19, 1949 as a national university. Considered one of the oldest universities in Indonesia, UGM serves as a pillar of educational awakening in Indonesia and purports to be a defender and disseminator of Pancasila. Now UGM has 18 Faculties, one Postgraduate School (Magister and Doctoral), and one Vocational School. Most of the faculties in the UGM consist of several departments and study programs. The academic activities of Universitas Gadjah Mada are expressed in the form of the cornerstones of Tri Dharma's higher educational values consisting of Education and Teaching, Research, and Community Service.

UGM has more than 50,000 students, 1,212 student achievements, 2,635 intellectual properties, 339 Professors, 606 Associate Professors, 839 Assistant Professors, and 684 Lecturers. UGM has been considered to be one of the most prestigious universities in Indonesia that implemented a world-class system of education for all. The Special Region of Yogyakarta, where UGM is located, is one of the smallest provinces in Indonesia and has been widely known as a centre of Javanese culture as well as a centre of learning. It has 3,689,000 inhabitants, 511,000 of whom reside in the city of Yogyakarta. Its designation as a centre of learning is marked by the existence of 110 state and private educational institutions, with a student population of over 300,000.

Vision and Mission

Vision To be an excellent and innovative world-class university imbued with the nation’s cultural values based on Pancasila as the state ideology and dedicated to the nation’s interest and humanity.

Mission To carry out education, research and community service as well as preservation and development of knowledge that is excellent and useful for society

Read more on the institution's website


Preserving the best environment to achieve the best academic achievement, Universitas Gadjah Mada also provides accommodation with full facilities for students enrolled as well as guest lecturers from other universities for the purpose of scientific, artistic and cultural exchanges, training, faculty guests, study programs, institutions, and study centres that are directly or indirectly related to the university.

Therefore, UGM offers 5 (five) dormitory units (Darmaputera Baciro, Darmaputera Karanggayam, Ratnaningsih Bulaksumur, Ratnaningsih Kinanti, and Ratnaningsih Sagan) that can accommodate more than 1500 people for permanent housing and 5 (five) temporary units of accommodation for those who haven’t found their permanent housing yet, consisting of 2 (two) units of homestays, Wisma MM UGM, University Club Hotel and Wisma Kagama UGM.


To increase the academic community welfare at Universitas Gadjah Mada, we continually invest in new and existing facilities, training and technology. Once enrolled in UGM, every student will be equipped with a wifi account and student ID card or an international student ID card. It will be a mandatory identification requirement to access all facilities offered.

The academic community of UGM can access our libraries in every faculty and department as well as our main library which is equipped with a full range of printed materials, a computerized automation system and IT support that allows visitors to have full access to more than 24,000 online journals. Besides, the student can also access every formal and informal study space, dining hall and mini-mart in every faculty, ‘sepeda kampus’ for local transportation within UGM, non-profit health centre (GMC Health Center), university hospitals, university tours and travel (Gamawisata), etc. In terms of services, UGM will provide its academic community with a comprehensive network of support services to ensure that the student can get help and advice on all aspects of university life including academic, personal, financial and practical needs.

All facilities offered are supported by an integrated IT system which offers good & integrated IT solutions based on software development and information systems, consultancy and data communication infrastructure development.

    Graduate student admission to the University of Gadjah Mada is carried out according to the university’s regulations. The admission is done online through 3 channels; regular, partnership, and international. The admission is done twice in a year which is in the first semesters (May-July) and the second semesters (November-December).

    Applicant Requirements

    Regular (Indonesian)

    • Bachelor's Diploma of a related/approved major
    • Transcript with a minimum GPA of:
      • ≥2.50 out of 4.00, for graduates of an A-accredited programme
      • ≥2.75 out of 4.00, for graduates of a B-accredited programme
      • ≥3.00 out of 4.00, for graduates of a C-accredited programme
    • The Bachelor Programme’s certificate of accreditation
    • Academic Potential Test certificate
    • English proficiency certificate
    • Recommendation letter from the previous lecturer, boss
    • Health certificate
    • Applicants projection
    • Study permit from applicant’s workplace

    Partnership (Indonesian)

    • Bachelor's Diploma of a related/approved major
    • Transcript with a minimum GPA of:
      • ≥2.50 out of 4.00, for graduates of an A-accredited programme
      • ≥2.75 out of 4.00, for graduates of a B-accredited programme
      • ≥3.00 out of 4.00, for graduates of a C-accredited programme
    • The Bachelor Programme’s certificate of accreditation
    • Academic Potential Test certificate
    • English proficiency certificate
    • Recommendation letter from the previous lecturer, boss
    • Health certificate
    • Applicants projection
    • Study permit from applicant’s workplace
    • MoU of the scholarship recipient


    • Bachelor's Diploma of a related/approved major
    • Transcript with a minimum GPA of 3.00 out of 4.00
    • Official Passport-sized Photograph
    • Coloured Scan of Passport (Cover and Personal Information page only)
    • Official Academic Transcript, issued by your academic institution
    • English Proficiency Test (IELTS/TOEFL ITP/TOEFL IBT Certificate), minimum score 500 or equivalent. The score is higher if the student takes a Double Degree Master (see the requirements)
    • Personal Statement
    • Financial Support Statement
    • Recommendation Letter from home university
    • Student ID Card (from home/previous university)

    These requirements are needed to ensure that future students are able to achieve the intended competence of the programme. The programme considers the applicant’s educational background to guarantee that future students are able to follow through the learning process. Applicants with an educational background from a Religion or Language major are not allowed to apply because it is in the different fields of knowledge with urban and regional planning. Applicants are not required to take a subject-specific entrance exam. After the selection of the documents, applicants must go through an interview regarding the applicant’s knowledge of urban planning and their spatial abilities.

    The admission result is sent via e-mail by DPP to every applicant. Applicants who do not meet the programme’s requirements will not be accepted. Those applicants may re-register in the next scheduled admission. Applicants who get accepted will receive an academic orientation before the study period begins to give students basic knowledge regarding spatial planning.

    Selection Process

    Step By Step

    • Students apply for the program
    • After receiving your application documents, the Office of International Affairs (OIA) member and the Faculty member will process it into a selection process

    Applicants will be assessed against the following criteria:

    • Academic competence
    • Potential outcome, including contribution to development outcomes in your home country
    • Professional and personal leadership attributes
    • If you are selected as one of the student candidates of UGM, you will receive a Letter of Offer (LO) via email that requests you to settle non-refundable payment for tuition fees and any other fees.
    • Once the payment process is confirmed by the bank, OIA will process the documents for a Letter of Acceptance (LoA)
    • You will receive the LoA and other information related to the courses offered, academic regulations, student buddy, etc
    • The Office of International Affairs at UGM will process the application documents to the Directorate of Higher Education of Indonesia for a Study Permit. It usually takes two months to have the study permit issued
    • When the study permit is available, OIA will assist you in arranging for approval from the Immigration Office in Jakarta for the Limited Stay Visa (VITAS/Visa Tinggal Terbatas). It will take at least three/four months to arrange both the study permit and VITA's approval
    • Then, you will receive your VITAS (Limited Stay Visa/Visa Tinggal Terbatas) in your email directly from OIA
    • Students with a stay duration of more than 4 months must process a VITAS (Student Visa)
    • You need to contact OIA no more than one week after you arrive in Indonesia. Furthermore, you will receive other directions from OIA for completing your stay permit documents for your safety and convenience purpose

    Study Permit

    Study Permit is issued by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education which states that you are given permission to study in Indonesia. It should take one to two weeks to make a study permit submission via the Ministry’s official site (it might be accomplished earlier if there are no incomplete/incorrect documents). A study permit is one of the requirements to apply for a Telex Visa, extend visa and extend ITAS.

    Telex Visa

    Visa authorization or telex visa is a preapproval letter from the Indonesian Directorate General of Immigration.

    Letter of Domicile

    A letter of Domicile is issued by your local Village (Kelurahan) that states that you temporarily reside at the mentioned address on the card. This letter is one of the requirements to apply for a new ITAS, new SKTT and extended SKTT. In order to get this letter, you must get approval from your house owner, the Head of the Neighborhood Community Unit (RT & RW), and the Head of Village (Kelurahan).

    Temporary Residential Card (SKTT)

    A temporary Residential Card (Surat Keterangan Tempat Tinggal/SKTT) is an identification card issued by the local Department of Population and Civil Registration (Disdukcapil). SKTT is one of the requirements for ITAS extension.

    Letter of Police Registration

    Police Registration Letter (Surat Tanda Melapor/STM) is a letter that is issued by Indonesian Police to record foreigners’ stay in Indonesia. STM is used to extend study permits, apply for a new SKTT, extend SKTT and apply for a driving licence.

    In commitment to being a world-class university, Universitas Gadjah Mada tries to provide the best possible access for international students to get scholarships. Gadjah Mada International Fellowship Program scholarship is granted to selected students (Full-time Masters Degree, Dual/Double Degree Masters, Full-time Doctoral Program). This scholarship covers insurance, tuition fees, living allowance, theses and dissertation research, housing, etc. Besides cooperating with the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, the Ministry of Education and Culture and other institutions; UGM grants students KNB Scholarship, JICA AUN/Seed-Net, Darmasiswa Scholarship Program etc. We highly encourage prospective students from low-income countries to apply for this scholarship.


    1. Must be accepted for admission to the master program or doctoral program (regular, taught in Bahasa Indonesia) in UGM for the 2021/2022 academic year (starting in August 2021)
    2. Hold a bachelor’s degree for a master program applicant or master’s degree for a doctoral program applicant in Engineering, Science, Medicine/Health, Geography, Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Science, Economics, Law, Social Sciences and Humanity, or related fields
    3. Excellent bachelor’s degree academic record (GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 GPA scale or any other documents proving candidate adequate academic qualification) for master program applicants
    4. Good proficiency in English (TOEFL score of at least 400 for applying for Master's Degree or 450 for applying for a Doctoral Program
    5. Dissertation proposal for doctoral program applicant
    6. Provide supporting documents required

    How to Apply

    All applications are conducted online at the UGM admission system ( by filling and uploading the following documents:

    1. Color scan of passport
    2. Color scan of the passport cover
    3. Official passport-sized photograph
    4. Copy of academic records and graduation certificate
    5. Curriculum Vitae
    6. Good health statement from the applicant’s doctor
    7. Proof of English proficiency (ITP TOEFL, IBT TOEFL or IELTS)
    8. Personal statement (download template from this website)
    9. Motivation letter
    10. Two academic references
    11. Dissertation proposal for doctoral program applicant

    As a leading Indonesian university, Universitas Gadjah Mada wants to promote excellence in educational activities, research, and community service with the interest of Indonesian society and to participate in Indonesian socio-cultural development. Therefore, we aim to equip the student with the knowledge and skills to succeed in their chosen career in a competitive global market.

    Student Activities

    Not only focusing on academic and research activities with remarkable achievements, Universitas Gadjah Mada also supports its enrolled students to participate in 51 ‘Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa - UKM’ (students activities units), and 8 different communities to develop student creativity through direct involvement.

    As a role model university, Universitas Gadjah Mada delivers Student Community Service-Community Empowerment Learning, a mandatory program that should be accomplished by the undergraduate student in equal to 3 credits. It is intended to create equality in social welfare throughout Indonesia. UGM sends all its integrated students to 34 provinces in 4 periods every year. Students are encouraged to empower Indonesians in need to develop, innovate, and build a better social environment for all Indonesians.

    Campus Culture

    Students admitted to Universitas Gadjah Mada come from all provinces and cities in Indonesia, overseas countries and regions in the world. Therefore the cultural diversity created has been integrated and existed in harmony as UGM’s identity. Preserving the traditional way of life for every region in Indonesia, UGM shows you a mini Indonesia along with its customs, traditions, interactions and communication style.

    • Special Region of Yogyakarta

      Bulaksumur, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 55281, Special Region of Yogyakarta

    Universitas Gadjah Mada