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Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism (UAUIM)


The "Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism in Bucharest is the oldest and most important academic institution in this field in Romania. It continues a long tradition of local architectural higher education, the foundation of which is closely linked with the rise of modern Romania and the setting of its new institutional structure and culture, during the second half of the 19th century.

The "Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism in Bucharest is the oldest and most important academic institution in this field in Romania. It continues a long tradition of local architectural higher education, the foundation of which is closely linked with the rise of modern Romania and the setting of its new institutional structure and culture, during the second half of the 19th century. In Romania, the first form of architectural education was legally established in 1864, based on an Act issued by Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Prince of Moldavia and Walachia, as a part of the “School of Bridges and Roads, Mines and Architecture”. However, due to the lack of funds, it was closed down shortly after. In 1892 the Committee of the Romanian Society of Architects set up a private school of architecture under its authority. The Education Reform in 1897 transformed the private school into the National School of Architecture (financed by the government) as a part of the School of Fine Arts.

  • Bucharest

    Strada Academiei 18-20, 010014, Bucharest

    Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism (UAUIM)