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Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua

The Autonomous University of Chihuahua (UACH) is a higher education institution based in Chihuahua, Mexico. It is the highest seat of learning in the state and the institution of higher education with more students and academic programs in the state of Chihuahua, is also heir to the Scientific and Literary Institute founded in 1835 Chihuahua.

UACH is an autonomous public institution of education; mission is to generate, implement, disseminate, and integrate knowledge transfer; using high-quality university programs, whose application is useful to society and herself. It maintains its original commitment to contribute to social development and preserve, conserve and enhance the various manifestations of culture in favor of a better quality of life for quiting in particular and Mexicans in general.

Mission, Objectives and Values


We are a public institution of higher education and socially responsible is committed to contribute to sustainable social and economic development of the entity and preserve, conserve and enhance the various manifestations of culture, in favor of a better quality of life Mexicans and in particular the Chihuahuenses.

We endorse the task of forming whole people, with universal and able to give relevant and creative responses to a changing world values ​​and to generate, implement, disseminate, transfer knowledge and develop technologies through academic plant high and university programs of recognized quality, the application is useful for society and for herself.


Assist in building a society with better quality of life, generate, apply and disseminate knowledge, promoting culture, sports and other activities that promote the formation of a new man capable of driving the transformations that society demands of Chihuahua.


EFFECTIVENESS: We aspire to academic excellence in teaching, research and extension; taking responsibility to respond to the needs of society Chihuahua with a permanent self-critical attitude and a desire to search for quality and productivity of all institutional activities.

PLURALISM: We accept and recognize the scientific, artistic, professional, ideological and religious diversity.

CONGRUENCE: We respect the ideas and opinions of others, even if they are different from ours. We respect the diversity of people who make up our community.

  • Chihuahua

    Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua C. Escorza 900, Col. Centro, 31000, Chihuahua



Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua