MSc in Public Sector Innovation and e-Governance
Tallinn, Estonia
1 up to 2 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
Aug 2025
Request tuition fees
The Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Public Sector InnOvation and EGovERnance (PIONEER) is a 120 ECTS joint master programme organized by the KU Leuven, the University of Münster and Tallinn University of Technology.
The general idea behind this master programme is that the public sector needs interdisciplinary expertise in order to be able to fully benefit from the potential of ICT and technological innovations. Within a context wherein ICT becomes increasingly important for the modernisation and innovation of the public sector, the sector itself needs experts (1) who are able to translate technological expertise into efficiency, effectiveness, performance and user needs, and (2) who are able to take into account the organisational, cultural, social and structural peculiarities of the public sector when implementing new technologies. As a result, interdisciplinary education has become a necessity. This is what PIONEER is about.
PIONEER aims at providing students with specialised competencies about public sector innovation and the role of ICT and technological evolutions in the innovation process. It is a interdisciplinary and international programme that combines academic expertise with insight into professional cases and national experience. The programme is built on three major principles: on-site expertise where students have the ability to learn and benefit from the local context, as students will learn at 3 to 4 different locations; a balance within the curriculum between academic knowledge and professional expertise; interdisciplinarity as students have the opportunity to integrate different theoretical frameworks, competencies and skills into a set of competencies that are necessary for the public sector of the future.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.