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Toulouse INP MSc Electrical Energy Systems
Toulouse INP

MSc Electrical Energy Systems

Toulouse, France

2 Years


Full time

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EUR 9,018 / per year *


* fees reduced to €5,389/year for academic partners, european students, students from some developing countries, and selected students on a merit basis


This program is provided by Toulouse INP

This education program is dedicated to Electrical Energy Systems with special focus on industrial applications.

The lectures and projects are dispatched in 3 separated paths: Power Electronics and Grids, Electrodynamic and Mechatronics, New Technologies of Energy.

Major themes

Mechatronics, power electronics, electrical grids, renewable energy, sustainable design.

Aims of the program

This program enables students to acquire new skills related to the production, storage, transmission, conversion (including electromechanical conversion) and use of electrical energy.

The high-level teaching team, whose members belong to the LAPLACE, LAAS and LGC research laboratories, teaches students the design of power systems (dimensioning and control): static converters, electromechanical converters, mixed energy configurations, including renewable energies, transport and autonomous networks (smartgrids). This design approach is based on analytical system modeling, numerical optimization and simulation, considering couplings and interactions between system parts. Aspects of sustainability and efficiency are also taken into account.

The courses are supported by numerous group projects designed to help students apply theoretical knowledge.

Research Institutions and Industrial Partners

All lecturers are researchers of the laboratories affiliated with the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS): Plasma and Energy Conversion Laboratory (LAPLACE), Chemical Engineering Laboratory (LGC) and Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (LAAS).

A significant number of lectures and projects are carried out with the participation of Industrial R&D partners such as Airbus, Safran, Schneider Electric, Thales ALENIA SPACE, Actia, Continental, EDF, GDF, SUEZ, CEA, ADEME, Liebherr Aerospace, Airbus Defense Space, SNCF, automotive & railways industry. Relationships with industry are strengthened by industrial projects and six-month long internships.


  • Masters of Science are national degrees fully accredited by the French ministry of higher education.
  • Further studies: PhD program (3 years).
  • All MSc Degree holders are allowable to take a step forward in the academic track to get the PhD degree.
  • Pre-requisite: Bachelor’s degree.
  • Holders of a Master’s degree can directly enter the second year under conditions.
  • Toulouse INP and INSA Toulouse welcome many international students each year and are more than happy to help them for practical and administrative formalities.
  • Tool’Box pack will take care of you from A to Z : You can get the « essentiel » pack with all options (except for guided tour) or « cité internationale » pack.

Read more on the institution's website


Scholarships and Funding


Program Tuition Fee

Career Opportunities

Program delivery

Program Admission Requirements

Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.

About the School
