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Tiradentes University - Universidade Tiradentes


The Tiradentes University - Unit - is the first private higher education institution created in Sergipe, Northeastern Brazil, 58 years ago. The University stands out for the high level of qualification of its faculty and modern facilities. Approximately 80% of the professors are composed of doctors or masters, in addition, 70% of the professors are involved in other teachings, research, or extension activities. In Sergipe, its history was born in 1962, with the creation of Colégio Tiradentes, which was elevated to college in 1972 and to university in 1994. Currently, it has five campuses in the state: Centro, Farolândia, Itabaiana, Propriá and Estância. In addition to them, there are 23 distance education centers in five states in the Northeast of Brazil.

The Tiradentes University - Unit - is the first private higher education institution created in Sergipe, Northeastern Brazil, 58 years ago. The University stands out for the high level of qualification of its faculty and modern facilities. Approximately 80% of the professors are composed of doctors or masters, in addition, 70% of the professors are involved in other teachings, research, or extension activities.

In Sergipe, its history was born in 1962, with the creation of Colégio Tiradentes, which was elevated to college in 1972 and to university in 1994. Currently, it has five campuses in the state: Centro, Farolândia, Itabaiana, Propriá and Estância. In addition to them, there are 23 distance education centers in five states in the Northeast of Brazil.

In Unit Sergipe alone, there are more than 38 thousand students, distributed in more than 40 degrees - in person and at a distance; 20 specialization courses; 10 MBAs and six Stricto sensu postgraduate programs (five masters and five doctorates), four of them with a grade of 5 (three master's / doctorates and a network doctorate - Renorbio) and only one with a grade of 4, assigned by the Improvement Coordination Higher Education Personnel - Capes. One of these programs is a doctorate from the Northeast Biotechnology Network - Renorbio, of which Unit is the only private higher education institution with a nucleus.

  • Farolândia

    Avenida Murilo Dantas, 300, 49032-490, Farolândia

    Tiradentes University - Universidade Tiradentes