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Technical University of Varna


The new university should provide engineers for shipbuilding, transport, machinery, electricity and communications technology needed for industrial complexes in chemistry, shipbuilding and ship repair, engine building, transport, electrical engineering, electronics and communications developing in northeastern Bulgaria.

The Technical University of Varna was established in 1962 by a decree of the Council of Ministers of Bulgaria and a decree of the National Assembly. The new university should provide engineers for shipbuilding, transport, machinery, electricity and communications technology needed for industrial complexes in chemistry, shipbuilding and ship repair, engine building, transport, electrical engineering, electronics and communications developing in northeastern Bulgaria. Initially, the university was established under the name of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Institute (Technical University of Varna) with three faculties: Mechanical, Electrical, and shipbuilding. The first intake of students at the Technical University of Varna is in the school year 1963/64 on the following specialties: Internal combustion engines, Marine engines and machinery, Shipbuilding, Engine building technology, Electrical machinery and apparatus, Radio engineering, Telecommunication equipment, Automation and remote control and Automation of production. The establishment of the Technical University of Varna practically rebuilt the Technical Department at the State University "St. Cyril Slav" Varna, which had officially opened its doors on August 18, 1945. The Technical Faculty had the following departments: Machine building, Shipbuilding, Electrical engineering, Construction, and architecture as well as Industrial chemistry. With the changes in the social and political life in Bulgaria during this period, the faculty and the university underwent major reforms. In 1958 the last shipbuilding engineers, educated at the Technical Faculty graduated. The first lecturers in Varna Technical University had taught students at the Technical School or were its alumni. Therefore it is believed that MEI-Varna is the successor of the Engineering Faculty of the State University of Varna. During the years of its existence, Varna Technical University from a small institute preparing engineers of regional importance became the Technical University of national importance conducting the training of students in 23 majors. For 40 years of activity of the Technical University of Varna 28,976 graduates have been certified in the field of Engineering, Natural Science, Mathematics and Computing, Social, Economic and Legal Sciences and Teaching Technical science and technology.

Our Mission

MISSION, GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE ACTIVITY OF TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF VARNA, BASED ON THESE PRIORITIES YHE UNIVERSITY BUILDS ITS EDUCATIONAL POLICIES DIRECTED TO THE NEEDS OF SOCIETY AT NATIONAL AND REGIONAL LEV Mission Technical University of Varna is a state educational institution which has taken the challenge and responsibility to serve the needs of society for training and development in a period of global technological and cultural changes. Our mission is to be a factor in the development of the intellectual potential of Bulgaria, to support the process of sustainable development and contribute to the attainment of new standards of communication between nations. Based on a close partnership with industry, intensive research activities, close cooperation with European universities, using the achievements and traditions of the university to provide the training of market-oriented engineering professionals from all educational qualifications and degrees for the Bulgarian and world economy in the sphere of:

  • Shipbuilding and shipping
  • Engineering and engineering technology
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Automation
  • Communications and Computer Engineering
  • Energetics
  • Industrial Management
  • Ecology and art and technology for protection of the environment and the sea.

The Technical University of Varna is the only Bulgarian civil state university which, given its geographical position, performs the specific mission to integrate into an overall process the preparation of graduates and performance of research related to shipbuilding and marine technology, shipping and water transport, ecology, techniques, and technologies for the protection of sea area. To achieve this mission the Technical University of Varna counts on: the competence, enthusiasm and faith of its staff and students in the advancement of society through knowledge and shared values - a reputation established over nearly half a century old presence in the spiritual and economic life of Varna and Bulgaria; the cooperation with state and local institutions and business organizations; expanding partnerships with universities and research institutions from Bulgaria, the EU and beyond. Long-term goals

  • Approval of the Technical University of Varna as a modern university implementing lifelong learning
  • Approval of the Technical University of Varna as innovation and technology center serving the industry of the country and the Black Sea region; Achievement and strengthening its international position in the field of education and research
  • Resurgence of the policy of the University of continuity in training and development of its academic members
  • Improving university management for efficient use of financial resources (cost-effectiveness)
  • Maintenance and improvement of the quality of the learning process for highly skilled and market-oriented specialists.

Strategy The strategy of TU-VARNA for the implementation of its mission and goals includes:

  • diversification of educational products in a horizontal aspect (through the development of programs in various fields of science) and in a vertical aspect (to acquire educational qualifications of Specialist ("professional bachelor"), Bachelor, Master, and Doctor )
  • diversification of forms of education - regular, extramural, evening and remote learning
  • development and maintenance of the unique specialties of the country, giving a significant strategic advantage in the differentiation and development of unique technologies and production
  • geographical market development by attracting foreign students
  • changing the University from an educational institution which provides education “for life" into an institution conducting lifelong education through the development of educational services in the field of " lifelong learning".
  • the introduction of new forms and methods of training, activating self-training and practical training of students, including applications in the educational process of distance learning based on web-based training and examination ("E-learning") and the use of global-local area networks and the Internet
  • establishing long-term partnerships for scientific services for industry
  • establishment of permanent integration links with Bulgarian and European universities through participation in joint projects
  • conversion of the Technical University of Varna into an international scientific congress center in the Black Sea region.

Harmonization of the strategy and objectives of the TU-Varna with the national and regional strategic objectives A key priority facing the Technical University of Varna after the accession of Bulgaria to the European Union is harmonizing the parameters of the study and research at the University with the trends in EU higher education through:

  • development of a three-tier system of education (Bachelor, Master, Ph.D.)
  • management and total use of the system of credit transfer, ensuring mobility of students;
  • the mobility of training and research work of lecturers, students, and postgraduates
  • establishment of a system for managing the quality of teaching and research as a guarantor for sustainable development.

The synchronization of the mission and goals of the Technical University - Varna with the national and regional strategic objectives consists in:

  • preparation of wide-profile experts in Engineering and Technology having an interdisciplinary knowledge and ensuring the development of the national economy
  • preparation of highly qualified specialists in the sphere of marine industry, providing the development of shipbuilding, ship repair, port operation, shipping operation, chemical and energy industries
  • training of highly qualified specialists in the sphere of the ecology of marine environment and equipment and technology for the protection of the marine environment from pollution
  • training of specialists in industrial management, able to competently manage industrial organizations in the field of shipbuilding and maritime transport, mechanical engineering, electronics and communication
  • strategic development of research in the field of computer technology, electronics, communications, materials science, mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, transportation and other fields of science and technology
  • training of specialists with higher education, meeting the needs of the North East region of Bulgaria of wide-profile specialists in the field of agriculture with knowledge and skills in the areas of "Engineering and Technology" and "Crop and livestock."

The analysis of the above facts shows that the Technical University of Varna has a precisely formulated and communicated mission, strategy, aims and tasks and the conducted education policy and research in the 60-year period from its establishment to the present moment fully comply with the adopted and announced program documents.

  • Varna

    1 Studentska str. 9010 Varna. Bulgaria, 9010, Varna

    Technical University of Varna