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Technical University of Kaiserslautern Landau


The Rhineland-Palatinate Technical University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU) is a young university (the Campus Landau was formerly part of the University of Koblenz-Landau). Since 2023, the University of Landau has merged with the Technical University of Kaiserslautern forming a forward-looking research hub. In 1990 the University of Landau emerged from the former teacher training college. In the meantime, research and teaching are organized in three linked interdisciplinary subject areas entitled "Learning", "Society" and "Environment".

The Rhineland-Palatinate Technical University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU) is a young university (the Campus Landau was formerly part of the University of Koblenz-Landau). Since 2023, the University of Landau has merged with the Technical University of Kaiserslautern forming a forward-looking research hub.

The Rhineland-Palatinate Technical University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU) is a young, medium-sized university located in Landau and Kaiserslautern. The Campus Landau emerged in 1990 from a former teacher training college. The rise in student numbers demonstrates that both, the Kaiserslautern and Landau campuses, are popular places to study. In the meantime, research and teaching are organized in three linked interdisciplinary subject areas entitled "Learning", "Society" and "Environment".

The Environment profile

Three scientific approaches characterize the “Environment” profile. The life science approach broaches the issue of the environment from a scientific perspective. Computer science deals with the digital world and its interconnection with environmental topics.The humanities and social sciences understand the world in terms of culture and society and how they relate to environmental challenges.

The Institute for Environmental Sciences (iES) in Landau focuses with their research on new anthropogenic stressors in linked ecological systems. Transition zones between ecological systems contribute substantially to the regional biodiversity and are „hotspots” for many ecological and biogeochemical processes. They provide many „ecosystem services“, like flood protection, retention and degradation of pollutants as well as the conservation of biodiversity and recreational areas, and are of high socio-economical importance. At the same time they are considered as particularly sensitive to environmental changes, e.g. by changing flooding dynamics as consequence of anthropogenic operations or global climate change. The pronounced goal of the Institute for Environmental Sciences is the study of these interactions in interdisciplinary co-operation between the biologically, chemically, physically, geo-scientifically and sociologically aligned working groups:

  • Environmental Economics
  • Social-Ecological Systems
  • Landuse Conflicts
  • Geology/ Physical Geography
  • Landscape Ecology
  • Ecosystem Analysis
  • Ecotoxicology & Environment
  • Geophysics
  • Environmental and Soil Chemistry
  • Environmental Physics
  • Functional Aquatic Ecotoxicology
  • Molecular Ecology
  • Organic Chemistry/ Ecological Chemistry

Research is conducted in nationally and internationally linked working groups. The Rhineland-Palatinate Technical University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU) also works closely together with partners in the local area. The balanced relationship between theoretical and applied research is characteristic for the university.

Following research facilities can be offered for future environmental scientists:

Study and Continuing Education

When compared to very large universities, teaching and studying are conducted in manageable structures at Landau, which fosters a much closer student community as well as a closer-knit teacher-student community. The university offers future specialists and executives a diverse range of Bachelor's and Master's programs in nature and environmental sciences.

Promoting young academics

Promoting young academics is one of the core tasks and responsibilities of the university. The quality of our young academics is not only a significant factor in enhancing the university’s research potential, but it is also at the same time an indicator of the university’s presence and reputation. Graduate colleges and schools, as well as an interdisciplinary Ph.D. center, were all established to promote young academics further.

Pro-family university

The university is committed to the principles of a pro-family university. Women and men employed at the university should be able to combine work, study, and the upbringing of children or the care of relatives. The university has therefore taken steps to achieve this aim, for example, with the provision of child care services and the introduction of flexible working hours, or by promoting specific support programs.

Welcome Center

The University of Landau offers with their Welcome Center a department for prospective and current students that helps international students with all organizational and legal challenges during their studies. They offer video guides, personal support, and accompany prospective students all the way: Starting with visa applications, finding accommodations, registering with local authorities, obtaining health insurance, buddy programs, excursions, job application training and more to ensure an uncomplicated enrollment and study process here in Landau.

Read more on the institution's website

  • Landau

    University of Koblenz-Landau (Campus Landau) Fortstraße 7, 76829, Landau

    Technical University of Kaiserslautern Landau