Master of Science (Technology) in Embedded Systems, Computing Sciences and Electrical Engineering
Tampere, Finland
2 Years
Full time
Request application deadline *
Aug 2025
EUR 12,000 / per year **
* Application for studies starting in autumn 2025 begins 11 December 2024 and ends 3 January 2025
** per academic year for non-EU/EEA students
Your life depends on embedded systems
Tampere region has a very strong industrial cluster in intelligent machines, embedded systems, and telecommunications and is looking for experts in embedded systems!
Embedded systems are an essential part of the modern society. They control the material world inside vehicles, buildings, machinery, industrial processes, domestic appliances, and every smart system interacting with the environment. Embedded systems integrate electronics and software with the controlled system and the development requires expertise in both areas.
The embedded Systems program offers a full set of courses on electronics design and software engineering including microcontrollers, digital design, low-level software, electronics manufacturing technologies, and productization of embedded systems.
As a student, we expect you to know the basics of electronics, microcontrollers, and programming. Having prior education in related areas such as computer networks, wireless communications, power electronics, robotics, or industrial automation is recommended.
After completing the program, you will be qualified to pursue a wide range of career opportunities in different fields of embedded systems design. You will have the knowledge and skills to pursue a career in industry or continue your studies towards a doctorate. Tampere region has a very strong industrial cluster in intelligent machines, embedded systems, and telecommunications.
Embedded Systems (MSc Tech) is one of the engineering specializations in the Master’s Programme in Computing Sciences and Electrical Engineering.
Study contents
During the studies, we view embedded systems from a very practical standpoint. The embedded systems studies combine hardware and software design by using modern methods and tools. Our research groups cooperate with businesses and work with real-life cases to develop new methods and solutions. Close collaboration with businesses also gives us an excellent opportunity to delve into trends, state-of-the-art applications, and future winners in the field.
The main target hardware platforms are System-on-Chip, FPGA, GPU, and embedded multiprocessor platforms. Model-based design and High-Level Synthesis are the main approaches in digital design. Software design includes topics on Linux-based SW stacks, HW-dependent SW, real-time operating systems, distributed and fog computing, as well as IoT protocols, middleware, and applications from a programmer’s point of view. Domain-crossing topics are verification, testing, and embedded systems development processes.
The study content is up-to-date and responds to the needs of the industry. We use only the latest technologies and bring our research results quickly to teaching. We also invite several guest lecturers from companies and organize student visits to companies.
Tampere University offers its students an opportunity for a broad, cross-disciplinary education. A rich variety of minor studies and supplementary courses are available as well as the opportunity to concentrate purely on major studies. In fact, each degree is a unique combination of studies that an individual student has found most interesting.
Structure of studies
The program is comprised of 120 ECTS. Courses are worth 90 ECTS and the remaining 30 ECTS are awarded for successfully completing a master's thesis. Each ECTS is equal to an average workload of 27 hours, including lectures, exercises, assignments, independent study, and an examination. The duration of the program is two years. Students spend three semesters completing courses and one semester preparing the final project (master's thesis). They start their studies in late August, and the academic year ends in late May.
Scholarships and Funding
Tampere University Tuition Fee Scholarships
Tampere University tuition fee scholarship is an exclusive opportunity awarded to a limited number of the best-performing applicants in each programme.
Tampere University tuition fee scholarships awarded at admission cover 50% of the tuition fees for the programme duration.
Early bird offer
While Tampere University scholarships are available to a limited number of applicants, the early bird offer is available at admission to all fee-paying students. The early bird offer gives a 1500 € reduction on the programme tuition fee during the first year of studies.
Career Opportunities
Tampere University educates most embedded system experts in Finland. As an expert in embedded systems, you will have a variety of career opportunities. There are numerous fascinating applications and interesting companies in the market. The global embedded systems market is worth over 200 billion USD and growing rapidly. There is a high demand for experts both in SW and HW design areas. In practice, many students have been recruited as part-time trainees by companies during their studies. This is a long tradition in Finland and makes students moving from university to company very smooth.
After completing the program, you will have the knowledge and skills to pursue a career in the industry or continue your studies toward a doctorate (Ph.D.) in Finland or abroad.
Co-operation with other parties
Tampere University is a well-known institute among the companies in the Tampere area, Finland, and abroad. The university has a good reputation and has had a lot of co-operation with the companies during the years. This certainly helps the students to find valuable thesis-work opportunities in the companies, and most often, those students are employed by these companies once graduate.
In addition to studies in one’s program, students may take full advantage of the teaching offered by the Tampere higher education community ranging from technical to vocational studies in various fields.
Program Tuition Fee
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.