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Tampere University Master of Science (Technology) in Communication Systems and Networks, Computing Sciences and Electrical Engineering
Tampere University

Master of Science (Technology) in Communication Systems and Networks, Computing Sciences and Electrical Engineering

Tampere, Finland

2 Years


Full time

Request application deadline *

Aug 2025

EUR 12,000 / per year **


* Application for studies starting in autumn 2025 begins 11 December 2024 and ends 3 January 2025

** per academic year for non-EU/EEA students


Effective communication networking makes the world go digital

Digitalisation is here to stay. The ongoing digitalisation builds on an efficient communications infrastructure.

The Master's Programme in Communication Systems and Networks equips students with excellent abilities to become valued experts in communication systems, both in Finland and abroad.

The ongoing and all-encompassing digitalisation process, which will eventually penetrate all industries and the whole society, builds largely on efficient communications infrastructures. The associated Internet-of-Things (IoT) and Industrial Internet paradigms refer to the future connected and the programmable world, where not only people but also all things are able to communicate. They will have a significant impact on different vertical industries, such as energy, transportation, logistics and manufacturing. Another prevailing trend in society and industry is robotisation. Modern inventions, such as self-driving cars and drones, strongly rely on highly efficient and reliable wireless communications.

The studies in communication systems and networks focus on the Future Internet, computer networks and the evolving and emerging (4G, 5G and beyond – 6G) wireless broadband and multi-service communication systems, which are crucial elements for the future connected world.

As a student, you can freely specialise in either of the following focus areas:

  • Networking and Computer Networks
  • Radio Systems and Networks

The spesialisation in Networking and Computer Networks covers various aspects of wired and wireless packet-switched specializationcanpacket-switched specialization research specialize robotization,digitalizationdigitalizationDigitalizationresearch information,specializerobotization, networks and the Future Internet. The spesialisation in Radio Systems and Networks provides students with a theoretical understanding and skills related to the practical optimisation and planning of wireless radio communication systems and networks.

Tampere University offers a unique learning environment for Communication Systems and Networks. Please see additional information on research conducted in the field of Communication Systems and Networks at Tampere University.

Communication Systems and Networks (MSc Tech) is one of the engineering specializations in the Master’s Programme in Computing Sciences and Electrical Engineering.

Read more on the institution's website



Scholarships and Funding

Career Opportunities

Program Tuition Fee

Program Admission Requirements

Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.

About the School
