Masters in EnvEuro
Uppsala, Sweden
2 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
Sep 2025
Request tuition fees
* citizens of countries outside the EU/EEA and switzerland are required to pay application and tuition fees.
Europe has a long history of intensive use of natural resources and lessons on misuse and overuse of land and water resources. This has forced Europeans to pay strong attention to environmental deterioration and ecosystem vulnerability. Europe is therefore at the cutting edge with respect to environmental research, its use in monitoring, control, legislation, policy and management actions, and development of environmental technology.
This programme, which is a collaboration between four renowned European universities, gives you in-depth knowledge about the environment and the sustainable use of natural resources. All this studied with an international perspective based on environmental planning, management, assessment, research and sustainable development.
The programme has six different specialisations to choose from of which three are available at SLU: water resources, soil resources and land use and environmental management. You will study your first year at one university and your second year at another, giving you a Master’s degree from both universities.
Attracting students from all over the world, the EnvEuro programme will also give you the opportunity to build up a large network of contacts for the future. With a double Master's degree in environmental science, you will be able to work as an environmental science expert at universities, in governmental agencies, the private sector or NGO:s either in your home country or overseas. You will also be well equipped to continue your studies towards a PhD for a career as researcher or university lecturer.
What makes the international Master's programme EnvEuro unique?
- You will earn a double degree in environmental science, with a European perspective.
- You will study at two top universities in Europe, with a large selection of courses to tailor your studies.
- You will get a large international network for your continued professional career.
The first year you study at one of the four EnvEuro universities (home university) and the second at one of the others (host university), where you also do your MSc thesis. The partner universities are SLU (Uppsala, Sweden), University of Copenhagen (Denmark), University of Hohenheim (Germany) and BOKU (Vienna, Austria).
All students start the first semester together with mandatory introductory days in Copenhagen when you meet fellow students as well as teachers and administrators from the four partner universities. This also includes the introduction to the mandatory course Environmental management in Europe. Thereafter you go back to your home university and the course continues as an e-learning distance course on part time. Parallel to this you study basic courses (Basic Semester Package). During the following semester you choose courses at the home university within your specialisations (1st Advanced Semester Package). The next semester you go to your host university and continue your specialisation (2nd Advanced Semester Package) and the last semester you do your master thesis. After completion of all courses you get a double degree in environmental science – both from your home and host university.
In addition to the courses offered at SLU (see Course schedule below), you should also take a look on the specializations and courses offered at the other partner universities. Complete information on the partner universities, specialisations, and courses is found on the EnvEuro homepage.
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
Graduated EnvEuro students are now working e.g. as PhD students or researchers/teachers at universities, as experts in environmental science in governmental agencies, the private sector or NGO:s or as teachers, both in their home country and abroad.
Thanks to studies at two universities in different countries and with students from many countries you will have great opportunities to increase your intercultural competence, build networks that will help you in your future career and to develop your understanding within several aspects of environmental science.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.