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St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences


With almost 4,000 students, the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences is a key player in the Austrian higher education sector and one of the most important employers in the region. Our university distinguishes itself through its a future-oriented and steadily growing number of study programs, strong interdisciplinary collaboration and its research focus.

The St. Pölten UAS LLC is locally anchored, globally connected and stands forfuture-oriented academic education in the subject areas of

  • Media
  • Digital Technologies
  • Communications
  • Management
  • Informatics
  • Security
  • Mobility Engineering
  • Health
  • Social

As a European University, we lead the European University Alliance E³UDRES² (Engaged and Entrepreneurial European University as Driver for European Smart and Sustainable Regions) and closely collaborate with universities from Portugal, Romania, Hungary, Belgium, Latvia, Finland, Germany and the Netherlands to create sustainable teaching formats and further develop smart and sustainable regions. With almost 4,000 students, the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences is a key player in the Austrian higher education sector and one of the most important employers in the region. Only 25 minutes by train from Austria's capital Vienna, the study city is also very easy to reach.

Reasons to study at UAS St. Pölten

  • St. Pölten UAS has a respected reputation and is recognized internationally for high-quality and innovative teaching in all its disciplines.
  • The attractive study programs put an emphasis on international aspects. The teaching staff are proven experts in their specialist fields and competently convey their knowledge with innovative, modern methods and interesting projects.
  • The integration of research findings into practice-led teaching and the acquisition of interdisciplinary skills places a St. Pölten UAS education in great demand in the economic sphere.
  • St. Pölten UAS has a strong presence in business and the public sector and makes an outstanding contribution to society’s ongoing development.


Mission Statement

St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences is committed to excellence and aspires to this objective through continuous development of its quality as an institution and in all aspects of its work:

  • through a culture of mutual respect between staff members, students and partners as well as a dedication to equal opportunity, gender equality and team diversity,
  • through an obligation to transparency and fairness in all decisions, leadership competence at all levels and responsibility in all organizational structures,
  • through recognized know-how and creative innovation in all fields of work, whereby the image of the city and region as an attractive place to study and work is enhanced,
  • while offering students excellent training and further education that prepares them for the growing demand for innovative, interdisciplinary solutions to a multitude of current and future challenges facing entrepreneurs, industry, public authorities, and institutions,
  • as an open and internationally-oriented partner for companies, industry sectors, institutions and their need for applied research and development and
  • through active participation in the social and cultural life of the city and region, thus contributing to a dialogue between all societal groups.

Our vision

St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences is a professional, cosmopolitan, internationally-positioned and research-oriented institution that ranks among the best and most attractive universities in Austria and is a subject leader in selected focus areas. St. Pölten UAS has strong roots in the city and wider region, and thanks to its expertise the university is a strong partner with close ties to the economy and related institutions.

Read more on the institution's website

  • Saint Pölten

    St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences Campus-Platz 1, , Saint Pölten

St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences