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SRH Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Medien Calw

Studying in the knowledge hub Northern Black Forest

Forward-looking study Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in the fields of business and the media in small groups with individual care in Calw.

The SRH University of Economics and media Calw is a nonprofit private, state-recognized university. Currently, about 330 students are enrolled in established bachelor and master degree programs. By choosing deepening profiles Students have the opportunity to align their studies specifically on current developments in the labor market. In addition to imparting knowledge and intercultural skills and languages ​​and the most important in the workplace soft skills are part of the teaching. Students expect small groups and intensive supervision by professors and lecturers from practice.

Bachelor's and master's degree programs SRH University of Economics and media Calw

Business Administration (full- and part-time) Media and Communications Management Media Management and Public Communication Controlling Marketing Management (accreditation in 2015) Cultural and Event Management (accreditation in 2015)

First-class education

The SRH University of Economics and media Calw sees itself as a center of excellence for training in the areas of business and the media. At the University of future professionals, entrepreneurs and managers are trained.

Prof. Dr. habil. Peter J. Weber - Principal and Managing Director of SRH University of Economics and media Calw - underlines: "We educate the whole person - safe in the knowledge quickly in practice and strong as a team. Survival training, business games and behavior in international business transactions are examples of innovative and diverse teaching-learning methods by which the college in addition to technical skills also conveys the most important in the workplace soft skills. Thus, personality and social skills of students receive targeted training and developed. "Students expect small groups, individual attention and personal coaching by professors and lecturers from practice. "This will allow a rigorous study, low dropout rates and increase the employability - for the best opportunities in the job market," said Weber.

How companies are created from business idea to business plan and successfully established in the market? How can social networks are used professionally in corporate communication? How are the corporate human resources, marketing and controlling optimally organizes? These are just some of the questions being addressed by students of the SRH University of Economics and media Calw.

International Contacts

Internationality is capitalized at the SRH University of Economics and media Calw. The university maintains close contacts with international partner universities and research institutes - including Austria, Spain, India and Turkey. The cooperation of joint research projects extends to exchange programs. Furthermore cooperates SRH University of Economics and media Calw with economic and industrial companies, trade associations and chambers. Students are actively involved in the research, work on projects, participate in internships or write bachelor and master theses at well-known companies and hidden champions. In addition to foreign languages ​​such as English, Spanish, Italian and French intercultural competencies such as are "correct" behavior in the international business environment in the curriculum.

Study Information Days 2015

The SRH University of Economics and media Calw regularly hosts Study Information Days. Prospective students have the opportunity to learn about the college and university courses to interact with students and teachers as well as participate in sample lectures. The study information days will be held on the following dates:

Wednesday, March 18, 2015 von 14.00 bis 16.00 Clock Clock Wednesday, July 29, 2015 von 14.00 bis 16.00 Clock Clock Wednesday, 18 November 2015 von 14.00 bis 16.00 Clock Clock

In addition, prospective students can also individual counseling appointments.

Knowledge Region Northern Black Forest

The medieval town of Calw - birthplace of the poet Hermann Hesse - has something for pleasant and successful learning environment provides an atmospheric old town in typical Black Forest environment, year-round sports, a lively arts scene and shopping facilities. Calw with excellent transport links, affordable cost of living and a relaxed environment for academic success. The state capital Stuttgart, the golden city of Pforzheim and the Arts and Media Karlsruhe can be reached quickly and easily. The knowledge northern Black Forest region is characterized by numerous (world) market leader and hidden champions. The SRH University of Economics and media Calw is firmly established since 2000 part of the knowledge northern Black Forest region and in this one.

  • Calw

    SRH Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Medien Calw Staatlich anerkannte Fachhochschule Lederstraße 1 75365 Calw , 75365 , Calw

SRH Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Medien Calw