Master of Science in Transport Systems Engineering
Rome, Italy
2 Years
Full time
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EUR 1,500 / per year **
* visa seeking candidates: april 29, 2024
** tuition for our bachelor's and master's programs is € 300-1500/year
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The Master’s program in Transport Systems Engineering aims at providing students with high-level qualifications, to allow them to perform and manage a wide variety of activities connected with planning, programming, operating, and monitoring transport systems and their components.
The professional skills of a Transport Systems Engineer include:
- Methods to design transport systems: formulation of dimensional and performance specifications for system components
- Models for the mobility of people and goods, for transport supply on multi-modal networks, for demand/supply interaction, and equilibrium calculation
- Design and implementation of transport systems (technical and economic aspects), transport and mobility plans on different levels
- On-line and off-line models for transport system operations and management
- Monitoring and ex-ante/ex-post assessment of mobility solutions from the technical, economic, and environmental point of view.
First semester
- Sustainable transport planning
- Traffic Engineering and ITS
- At the student's choice
- Other useful skills for inclusion in the world of work
Second semester
- Traffic Engineering and ITS
- Transport modelling and planning
Second year
First semester
- Railway engineering
- Urban and regional policy
Second semester
- Safety and risk analysis
- Final exam
Program Outcome
Learning outcomes
The purpose of the master's Degree in Transport Systems Engineering is to furnish students with an advanced level of education, which enables them to operate at the most highly qualified levels in a wide variety of activities connected with planning, programming, operating, and monitoring transport systems and their components.
To attain this goal the graduate, at the end of his/her Masters Degree study programme, must have an in-depth knowledge of the theoretical and scientific aspects of the basic subjects and be able to use it to interpret, formalize and solve the complex problems of Transport Systems Engineering.
More specifically he/she must:
- Learn the basic methodologies to create models of the demand, supply and equilibrium of vehicular mobility of people and goods on multi-modal networks, and know the specifications of models that allow them to tackle the problem most effectively at the different levels of application: urban, metropolitan, regional, national and international.
- Acquire the necessary knowledge to optimize the use of infrastructures and road, railway, plane and maritime transport services, increase their efficiency by operating on the regulation and control systems and by using the most advanced technologies within the field of the specific disciplines.
- Acquire the basic methodologies to design transport systems and their components such as infrastructures, services, vehicles and installations.
The study programme includes a significant core of knowledge taught in the Masters Degree in Civil Engineering, amongst which figure a homogeneous set of educational modules providing specialized knowledge in the sector of transportation systems, integrated with related or supplementary modules.
The fact that the master's Degree is conducted in English enables students to acquire the skills and knowledge described above in an international context and to obtain a qualification which is particularly favourable when accessing the job market, and which is enhanced by the breadth of vision and flexibility that an international approach contributes to providing.
Scholarships and Funding
Career Opportunities
The Placement is based on regular contact with industries, operators, consultants, public agencies and administrations, research centers, and any other subjects potentially interested in employing Transport Systems Engineers.