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Salazar and Herrera University Institution


Within the academic programs of the Salazar y Herrera University Institution, the Mission is the steering wheel that guides the actions of visual aspects, supporting the institutional dream of the significant achievement of comprehensive, humane, and inclusive educational processes, promoting the provision of service with quality, responsibility, and social commitment.

Within the academic programs of the Salazar y Herrera University Institution, the Mission is the steering wheel that guides the actions of visual aspects, supporting the institutional dream of the significant achievement of comprehensive, humane, and inclusive educational processes, promoting the provision of service with quality, responsibility, and social commitment.

Therefore, the Salazar y Herrera University Institution intends to promote quality and its inclusion, through the development of "continuous and permanent programs in the fields of action of technique, technology, and science, in light of Catholic principles, in the areas of integral human formation, of the scientific-technological domain, of reflection and internalization that illuminate the processes of teaching-learning, research and values ​​” part of the mission of the IUSH.

  • Medellín

    Calle 76,80-126, 050041, Medellín

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      Salazar and Herrera University Institution