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Specializing Master in Industrial Design Engineering and Innovation

Milan, Italy

15 Months


Full time

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EUR 13,500


* for Italian / foreign citizens with a qualification obtained in Italy and Italian/U.E. citizens with a qualification obtained abroad| for Extra U.E. citizens by September 18, 2024


This Specializing Master was conceived to train expert designers able to deal with the development of a new product from conception to production.

Becoming a Product Designer in Milan today is a recognized value on professionalism. Be a Master of Product Design!

The Politecnico, together with its advanced production system and a top-class historic culture, creates for its master students access to this value.

Politecnico’s technical and design culture, placed in Design 5th place in the world and powered by Italian design masters such as Marco Zanuso and Achille Castiglioni, is integrated with the high technology and engineering expertise in the field of production and innovative materials, feeding the tradition of excellence from the Nobel Prize for Chemistry Giulio Natta to our day.

It is a high profile professionalism the Specializing Master purpose, placing the designer and product design expert in line with contemporary technology and innovation, starting from a solid tradition on creativity and method.

The Specializing Master in Industrial Design Engineering and Innovation, directed by Prof. Matteo O. Ingaramo, was created to mold capable designers who can manage the entire development of a new product from the initial concept to the manufacturing stage.

This Specializing Master joins the artistic and humanistic skills belonging to design culture with the technical know-how that relates to production technology, materials, and manufacturing costs. It strives to meet the need to operate in a worldwide landscape of heightened competition where the designer can increase the value of a product by making innovations – in both aesthetics and usability – that take advantage of available technologies. The aim is to train professionals whose creative capacity is matched by technical expertise and awareness in a product’s industrial feasibility.

Because its faculty is made up of teachers from a variety of fields, from both inside and outside the Politecnico di Milano, the Specializing Master establishes a set of multidisciplinary skills called upon throughout the course of training. Cultural visits to foundations and museums, along with technical field trips to manufacturing companies, round out the training and foster the attainment of educational objectives. Many graduates from previous editions are playing leading roles in major manufacturing concerns or renowned design studios, including: Whirlpool Europe, Chicco Artsana, 3M, Polti, Cini&Nils Lighting, V12 Design, Studio Volpi, Studio Luca Trazzi, Serralunga, Rupes spa, Zinc, Design Group Italia, Toys Toys, Ditronetwork srl. Others have founded and directed their own studio.

Title Released

Upon completion of the Specializing Master, students earn a first-level Politecnico di Milano Specializing Master Degree, provided they have met the 75% minimum attendance requirement.

In addition to the degree, the program also issues:

  • Certificate for completion of a course in Rhinoceros with software-manufacturer accreditation from McNeel;
  • Certificate for completion of a course in CREO with software-manufacturer accreditation from PTC.

Read more on the institution's website Open Day

Program Outcome

Career Opportunities




Program Tuition Fee

Scholarships and Funding

Program Leaders

English Language Requirements

Certify your English proficiency with PTE. The faster, fairer, simpler English test, accepted by thousands of universities around the world. PTE, Do it worry-free!

Program Admission Requirements

Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.

About the School
