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Paris School of Economics


The Paris School of Economics (PSE) is a leading scientific institution dedicated to advancing research and education in economics at the highest international standards. PSE provides a range of prestigious programs, including master's degrees, a doctoral program, and specialized courses through its Summer School, all taught by distinguished researchers and professionals in the field.

About PSE

The Paris School of Economics (PSE) is a leading scientific institution dedicated to advancing research and education in economics at the highest international standards. PSE provides a range of prestigious programs, including master's degrees, a doctoral program, and specialized courses through its Summer School, all taught by distinguished researchers and professionals in the field.

PSE stands out as the leading economics research center in Europe and ranks fifth globally according to the RePEc ranking. Its commitment to excellence is evident through a vibrant community of 135 researchers and 166 doctoral candidates, as well as the IPP and the laboratories housed within PSE.

PSE missions

PSE’s primary mission is the development and advancement of economic research, with a strong emphasis on public policy evaluation. It also offers Master’s level courses in economics and a doctoral program. PSE is fully committed to the dissemination and valorization of research results in society.

PSE is at the forefront of economic research. Our researchers are involved in innovative projects, contributing to the advancement of economic knowledge. Research topics cover a wide range, from behavioral economics to complex economic models.

Training is one of PSE’s key missions. Several master’s degrees, a master of science and a doctoral program are offered. Summer School programs are also offered. PSE’s teaching and research staff are fully involved in student training.

PSE fosters collaboration between researchers, public decision-makers and economic players around themes developed within the framework of research chairs. These strategic partnerships support companies and organizations in their strategies to meet the economic and social challenges they face.

Annual reports
PSE’s annual activity report provides an overview of our achievements and current projects. It enables the various stakeholders to measure the extent to which PSE is fulfilling its missions of research, training and dissemination of knowledge in society.

Our Values

  • Respect for all
  • Research intergrity
  • Freedom and independence of research

PSE Ethics Charter

PSE teaching and research are based on the highest ethical standards. Our values are reflected in the integrity, ethics, excellence and independence of our research, respect for all members of the PSE community, and our social, civic and environmental responsibilities.

As an institution, PSE is committed to taking a responsible approach to all its activities and to ensuring the commitment of all participants (students, teachers, researchers, and support staff) to the same. PSE will take all appropriate steps, in a collegial manner, to ensure that its values guide the behaviour of all.

To this end, PSE is establishing an ethics committee whose aims are to define the form and content of the obligations implied by respect for the values enumerated below, and to define the procedures designed to guarantee the adherence of the institution and all its members to these principles.

PSE facilities

Living places

  • 12 500 m2 of building
  • A campus of one hectare
  • A student home


  • Many classrooms and an amphitheatre with 300 seats
  • A library dedicated to the humanities and social sciences


  • Crous cafeteria

    Once you have confirmed your place in one of our programs, we advise you to quickly inform yourself about the visa procedures for your stay in France. The rules vary depending on your country of origin and the length of your stay.

    We do not have a special arrangement with the OFII (French Office of Immigration and Integration), so you will have to manage your visa application yourself. If you need help or documents from us, please contact us. Each year, OFII maintains a permanent office at the CIUP until November with English-speaking staff to answer your questions.

    For more information, please visit the France Diplomatie government website.

    For Master students (long-term stays)

    You will need a one-year VLS-TS visa (long-stay visa for residence permits). We can provide you with the necessary documents (registration certificate, transcript, etc.) for your first application or renewal (only in the context of re-enrollment in one of our programs).

    For participants in short programs (short stays)

    Participants in Summer school or Executive education in some countries are exempt from visa for a stay of less than 90 days in France. For other nationalities, a visa application before arrival is mandatory.

    • 1st Rank in Europe for economics research by RePEc
    • 5th Rank globally for economics research by RePEc

    Key Strengths

    • Recognized excellence in research and teaching teams
    • Successful and long-standing partnerships with both public and private sectors through the development of research
    • Dynamic exchanges between economic analysis and other social sciences
    • Broad dissemination of PSE researchers’ work to the public through the “Economics for Everybody” program

    Associative life of PSE

    Your student association: Synapse

    Synapse aims to make student life alive and vibrant. It has two main objectives:

    • Organize cultural events and evenings within and outside PSE to promote a “school spirit” and thus multiply opportunities for students to meet and share convivial moments.
    • Strengthen relations between former students and create future professional opportunities for PES students (internships, jobs…).

    Your alumni association

    This association aims to promote a spirit of mutual aid and solidarity among PSE graduates. Its main objectives are to contribute to:

    • the diffusion of PSE’s image and influence in France and abroad;
    • the professional development of its members;
    • the support current PSE students;
    • the discussion of current economic, social and cultural issues.

    • Paris

      48 Boulevard Jourdan, 75014 Paris

    Paris School of Economics