Master's Degree in Data Science and Advanced Analytics, with a Specialization in Data Science
Lisbon, Portugal
2 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
Sep 2025
EUR 6,200 / per course *
* The tuition fee is €8,000 for applicants with a nationality from a non-European Union member country.
The Master's Degree Program in Data Science and Advanced Analytics, with a specialization in Data Science, is aimed at technically oriented people with solid scientific backgrounds, who want to strengthen and deepen their skills in the most used paradigms and environments for software development and apply them to solve complex real-world problems involving vast amounts of data.
In every academic year, the partners offer a paid internship to the 1st year students, to be undertaken during the 2nd year. 1st year students should apply to the internship(s) they are interested in. The internship will be assigned to the student gathering the best qualification in the application.
Ranked as the best Master's program in Data Analytics in the Western Europe by Eduniversal, an international agency that publishes an annual ranking of the best MBA and Master degree programs in the world.
Applications Phase
The applications for this program are open between February 6th and March 7th, 2025.
Ranked as the best Master's program in Data Analytics in the Western Europe by Eduniversal, an international agency that publishes an annual ranking of the best MBA and Master degree programs in the world.
Program Outcome
This program will provide a set of interdisciplinary skills and tools such as:
- Understanding of the main paradigms associated with large databases and data warehouses
- Understanding the processes of decision-making
- Mastering data mining tools and computational intelligence, in particular for "Big Data" related problems
- Mastering the processes of creation and maintenance of descriptive and predictive models
- Mastering the most used paradigms and environments of software development
- Mastering the concept of problem-solving.
This program lasts 4 semesters: 2 correspond to the curricular component and 2 to the development of a thesis or work project, in a total of 120 ECTS.
The curricular component (1st and 2nd semesters of the program) corresponds to 60 ECTS, consisting of the following course units:
Mandatory course units
- Big Data Analytics
- Computational Intelligence for Optimization
- Data Mining
- Deep Learning
- Dissertation/ Work Project/ Internship Report
- Machine Learning
- Programming for Data Science
- Research Methods
- Statistics for Data Science
- Storing and Retrieving Data
- Text Mining
Student Testimonials
Program Tuition Fee
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.