MSc in Medical Engineering
Clifton, United Kingdom
1 up to 2 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
Jan 2025
GBP 15,500 *
* international/EU
Explore scholarship opportunities to help fund your studies
This course has been developed to meet the needs of the healthcare sector and the medical industry in the UK and internationally. It is specifically designed to increase the employability of its graduates in an engineering and technological context by identifying new medical product opportunities and by conducting projects in collaboration with a range of relevant partners.
Medical Engineering is user-focused, taking a multidisciplinary approach and building on strong relationships with industry and the health sector. The course aims to provide you with live engineering and design experience and the tools to drive forward process, material and critical thinking in the commercial world.
You will benefit from the internationally recognised research activities in the engineering subject area which have been supported by grants from a variety of funding organisations. The engineering team has been involved with numerous international collaborative projects, and closely works with industry and the healthcare sector on different research and development schemes.
You will get direct industrial experience of the newest developments in the field through collaboration with NTU's Medical Technologies Innovation Facility (MTIF), start-up companies, the Medical Engineering Design team, and the SWIFT research group.
Work with the surgical and clinical community on live project briefs as part of a substantial existing network between NTU and our relevant partners. These links and others we have in the medical industry mean that you could collaborate and undertake a project with them.
Working with our Medical Engineering Design Research Group gives a multi-disciplinary approach to design and engineering.
The course will be seeking accreditation from the IET.
You will be working in groups during lab exercises for some of the modules and also work on individual projects, especially during the individual industrial or engineering research project. You will have the possibility to work on (live) projects during all modules as part of training and formative assessment. Below is an overview of the areas you will cover.
- Design of medical and surgical products, tools and apparatus to improve the lives of patients and the workflow of medical professionals.
- Introduction to a range of tools and techniques applicable to the field including medical imaging, fluid dynamics prosthetics and rehabilitation robotics.
- Application of smart materials in medical products including prosthetics, medical devices and advanced medical coatings.
- Explore recent developments in bioinformatics, gene therapeutics, bionics, prosthesis, assistive robotics and exoskeletons.
- Understand the requirements for ethics, regulation and innovation in the medical sector.
- Research Methods and CPD
- Prosthetics and Rehabilitation Robotics
- Fluid Dynamics in Physiology and Medical Devices
- Medical Applications of Smart Materials
- Medical Imaging
- Current Developments in Biomedical Engineering
- Individual Industrial or Research Engineering Project
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
Mentoring and support
All students will be allocated a personal tutor throughout their course of study in order to provide pastoral support. Each module will provide students with the opportunity to engage with specialist lecturers via seminars and project work, allowing them to explore knowledge they are applying to assignments and topical discussion points.
All staff members teaching on the programme are members of professional institutions and most are active researchers, with many undertaking industrial consultancy.
Our commercial, surgical and clinical partners will also be available to provide support for student projects and as needed for other student-specific requirements.
Your future
You will graduate with a broad range of skills applicable to medical engineering and design. These include (but will not be limited to):
- concepts behind medical imaging techniques and good practice in image acquisition and processing
- understanding of new (smart) materials for improving the functionality
- cost and / or sustainability of medical devices and prosthetics
- understanding of the impact of prosthetics or medical implants on the body’s metabolism.
You will also gain an understanding of the implementation of medical engineering in industry and academia, gaining an understanding of intellectual property, medical ethics and regulations, as well as business principles and commercialisation.
The course is ideal preparation for roles in the design, application or regulation of medical devices within specialist design consultancies or medical device companies.
The multi-disciplinary nature of this course means you are able to acquire advanced engineering design, technological, materials and design skills to enhance your potential to becoming a leading medical design engineer, technologist, or medical product designer.
You may also wish to progress onto further study at PhD level.
NTU is one of the most employment-focused universities. Increasingly, employers want to recruit graduates who have real-world work experience. That’s why all of our courses, across every subject area, offer you a work experience opportunity. Our experts help build and support your future with a range of career programmes and events.
This course offers you the opportunity to take a one-year (sandwich) placement. With a placement, the course will be a total of two years full-time study.
The school of Science and Technology will work closely with you to help you find a placement and strengthen your CV and interview techniques. During the placement year, an academic member of staff will visit to check on your progress and offer any advice. On completion of the placement year students will submit a placement report and continue back at NTU for three months during which time they will complete their research project.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.