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Neuss University for International Business


The most modern IT based learning methods support these ideas of interactive learning. Conveyance of seminar contents for example by e-learning and computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL) promote the development of interdisciplinary qualifications that are needed for the acquisition of expertise and success in professional work life. In addition to this the role of evaluation plays an important part in our pursuit to provide quality teaching. We provide a positive learning environment in combination with continuous feedback on the learning success of our students and vice-versa: our teaching staff also receives feedback from our students. In this way improvements can be quickly implemented at the university and in our collaborating firms.

Competent. International. Innovative.

Expertise and know-how

The most modern IT-based learning methods support these ideas of interactive learning. Conveyance of seminar contents for example by e-learning and computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) promote the development of interdisciplinary qualifications that are needed for the acquisition of expertise and success in professional work life. In addition to this, the role of evaluation plays an important part in our pursuit to provide quality teaching. We provide a positive learning environment in combination with continuous feedback on the learning success of our students and vice-versa: our teaching staff also receives feedback from our students. In this way, improvements can be quickly implemented at the university and in our collaborating firms.

International Scope

Industrial, trade, and logistics firms are connected globally nowadays. We place great emphasis on this aspect of your career training by offering study subject matters that are oriented towards international standards.

Our professors have an international profile and hold lectures in German and in English. In addition, you will learn a second foreign language and spend a study semester abroad. Moreover, it is our stated aim to increase the number of foreign students at Neuss University for International Business.


We promote “active-minded” learning: this includes learning in groups in teamwork to solve case studies and simulations with video feedback, problem-solving oriented learning by training interdisciplinary skills in business games as well as practice-oriented learning arrangements in the professional field and involvement in projects with a practical orientation. The main focus of our research at Neuss University for International Business is always adapted to today’s economy and encompasses forward-looking topics. This ensures that we fulfill our standard to teach innovative subject matters every day of the semester.

  • Neuss

    Hochschule Neuss für Internationale Wirtschaft Markt 11-15 , 41460, Neuss

    Neuss University for International Business