MT&M College
MT&M College was established in 1993 by an intergovernmental agreement between the Kingdom of Denmark and Republic of Bulgaria.
MT&M College was established in 1993 by an intergovernmental agreement between the Kingdom of Denmark and Republic of Bulgaria. A degree issued by the National Assembly in 2001 granted the College the status of an autonomous higher education institution preparing specialists for a “Professional Bachelor’s degree”. We provide practice-oriented quality education to students majoring in “Marketing” since 1993 and in “Entrepreneurship” since 2013.
The Roman philosopher, writer and statesman LUCIUS ANNAEUS SENECA (4BC – AD 65) said: “Non scholae, sed vitae discimus”
This thought, articulated two thousand years ago, reflects the vision of MT&M College. We aim to build up professionals who could apply skills and competences, acquired at the college, to practical environments.
- Sofia
Sofia, Bulgaria