That no one stops studying for economic reasons is one of the principles of Mondragon Unibertsitatea . For this reason, we offer an extensive program of scholarships, study aid and financing.
Mondragon Unibertsitatea Scholarships and Aid
Mondragon Scholarships
Mondragon Unibertsitatea has a scholarship section managed through the international advisor, which can range between 10% and 20% of the tuition cost.
Engineering Scholarships
Apply for a scholarship of 20% of the tuition cost for engineering master's degrees. These scholarships are managed through our international advisor Katerine Rivera. and 20% of the registration fee.
BEKABIDE: Study Financing Program
Bekabide is a study financing program in which payments are adapted to the economic possibilities of students and their families.
In each case, a personalized study is carried out taking into account the expenses and income involved in studying at Mondragon Unibertsitatea , taking into account the family economic situation of the student and applying the established criteria to benefit from the program.
Participation in this study financing program has no interest in the cost of the degree taken and is tailored to each person who benefits from it.
Globo Común Scholarships for Ecuadorian students
Mondragon Unibertsitatea offers scholarships for students from Ecuador through the Globo Común program.
2 work-study scholarships, 6 tuition scholarships and 4 predoctoral contracts are being announced to cover part of the cost of the University Master's Degrees and Doctoral Programs for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Applications are open until January 17, 2024. Apply now!
Training in dual itinerary
In all those degrees that can be taken in dual mode, Mondragon Unibertsitatea is in charge of locating companies for the students and assigning them. During the stay in the company, the activity carried out will be directly related to the degree being taken and the company will be responsible for paying a monthly scholarship of between 400 and 1000 euros depending on the degree and the period of time in the company. .
Business practice
In the case of degrees that cannot be taken in DUAL mode, there is the possibility of doing internships in a company. Some degrees contemplate in their own study plan these practices considered as curricular and if they are not contemplated, they will be carried out as extracurricular practices.
In both cases, Mondragon Unibertsitatea will look for these companies and organizations and assign them to the students who have requested them.
In the case of internships, you will also receive a scholarship for a monthly amount of between 400 and 1000 euros depending on the company and the degree you are studying.
All of these scholarships and aid mentioned are compatible with each other and also with those that candidates to pursue a degree at Mondragon Unibertsitatea can obtain in their countries of origin if they do not indicate otherwise.
To apply for the scholarships, you can contact our international advisor, Katerine Rivera, by writing to the email address [email protected] or by writing a WhatsApp to the number +55 4422 50 67 57
Scholarships and Official Aid
- Scholarships to carry out university studies and other higher studies, including official master's degrees (Basque Government)
- General scholarships (Ministry of Education)
- Aid for Reduction and Exemption of Public Prices
- Scholarships for students of mobility programs