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Mondragon Unibertsitatea


Mondragon Unibertsitatea we are a university created in 1997 and officially recognized by law 4/1997 of May 30.

We are born by the association of three educational cooperatives, endorsed by an extensive trajectory and experience in the world of education, Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa "Jose Mª Arizmendiarrieta" S.Coop., ETEO S.Coop. and Irakasle Eskola S.Coop. , which in turn constitute today the two Faculties and School of the University:

  • Higher Polytechnic School
  • Faculty of Business
  • Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences
  • In 2011, a fourth faculty was added, the Faculty of Gastronomic Sciences - Basque Culinary Center

Social vocation

At Mondragon Unibertsitatea we maintain a commitment to social transformation, specified in our participatory model.

We are a cooperative university, a member of the MONDRAGON Corporation, with a clear humanistic vocation and committed to our environment, our society and our time.

Our training model implies a system of relationships that, having as its axis the educational system, seeks the involvement of companies and institutions to guarantee social accessibility, combine study and work, the development of research and the transfer of knowledge and the provision of Continuous Training.

A Singular, unique and committed University

Innovation, roots, universality, creativity, dynamism, research, reliability, closeness, connection with the outside, long-range gaze.

These are some of the attributes that define Mondragon Unibertsitatea , a practical, real and committed University, focused on the development of people, oriented to the needs of the company and society, designed to face the challenges of the real world and where knowledge and its application have no borders.


Mondragon Unibertsitatea is a cooperative university, of public utility, integrated in Mondragon, of initiative and social vocation and non-profit, whose primary mission is the transformation of society through the comprehensive training of people and the generation and transfer of knowledge.

We promote comprehensive quality learning , which incorporates, in addition to scientific-technical knowledge, skills and values derived from cooperative experience in order for our students to be active agents in the transformation of society, contributing to humanistic and technological progress. and sustainable economic, through the development of companies / organizations and entrepreneurship.

Mondragon Unibertsitatea promote the precise conditions to have a group of innovative people committed to the satisfaction of their students, companies and other organizations.

Mondragon Unibertsitatea considers itself a participant in a global university system.

Read more on the institution's website

That no one stops studying for economic reasons is one of the principles of Mondragon Unibertsitatea . For this reason, we offer an extensive program of scholarships, study aid and financing.

Mondragon Unibertsitatea Scholarships and Aid

Mondragon Scholarships

Mondragon Unibertsitatea has a scholarship section managed through the international advisor, which can range between 10% and 20% of the tuition cost.

Engineering Scholarships

Apply for a scholarship of 20% of the tuition cost for engineering master's degrees. These scholarships are managed through our international advisor Katerine Rivera. and 20% of the registration fee.

BEKABIDE: Study Financing Program

Bekabide is a study financing program in which payments are adapted to the economic possibilities of students and their families.

In each case, a personalized study is carried out taking into account the expenses and income involved in studying at Mondragon Unibertsitatea , taking into account the family economic situation of the student and applying the established criteria to benefit from the program.

Participation in this study financing program has no interest in the cost of the degree taken and is tailored to each person who benefits from it.

Globo Común Scholarships for Ecuadorian students

Mondragon Unibertsitatea offers scholarships for students from Ecuador through the Globo Común program.

2 work-study scholarships, 6 tuition scholarships and 4 predoctoral contracts are being announced to cover part of the cost of the University Master's Degrees and Doctoral Programs for the 2024-2025 academic year.

Applications are open until January 17, 2024. Apply now!

Training in dual itinerary

In all those degrees that can be taken in dual mode, Mondragon Unibertsitatea is in charge of locating companies for the students and assigning them. During the stay in the company, the activity carried out will be directly related to the degree being taken and the company will be responsible for paying a monthly scholarship of between 400 and 1000 euros depending on the degree and the period of time in the company. .

Business practice

In the case of degrees that cannot be taken in DUAL mode, there is the possibility of doing internships in a company. Some degrees contemplate in their own study plan these practices considered as curricular and if they are not contemplated, they will be carried out as extracurricular practices.

In both cases, Mondragon Unibertsitatea will look for these companies and organizations and assign them to the students who have requested them.

In the case of internships, you will also receive a scholarship for a monthly amount of between 400 and 1000 euros depending on the company and the degree you are studying.


All of these scholarships and aid mentioned are compatible with each other and also with those that candidates to pursue a degree at Mondragon Unibertsitatea can obtain in their countries of origin if they do not indicate otherwise.

To apply for the scholarships, you can contact our international advisor, Katerine Rivera, by writing to the email address [email protected] or by writing a WhatsApp to the number +55 4422 50 67 57

Scholarships and Official Aid

  • Scholarships to carry out university studies and other higher studies, including official master's degrees (Basque Government)
  • General scholarships (Ministry of Education)
  • Aid for Reduction and Exemption of Public Prices
  • Scholarships for students of mobility programs

What the rankings say about Mondragon Unibertsitatea

CyD Ranking

  • Mondragon Unibertsitatea is the 2nd university in Spain in student mobility.
  • Mondragon Unibertsitatea is the first university in Spain to create Spin-Offs
  • Mondragon Unibertsitatea , in the field of publications with companies, is the second in Spain.
  • Mondragon Unibertsitatea is the 1st university to generate socioeconomic impact in the Basque Country and the 7th in Spain.

U-Multirank Ranking

  • Mondragon Unibertsitatea is among the top 10 Spanish universities.


  • Mondragon Unibertsitatea among the 10 Spanish universities with the highest employment rate.


  • Occupancy rate of graduate students of 95%


  • Employment rate of master's graduates of 95%

    Mondragon Unibertsitatea has different campuses and laboratories in Spain.

    Today, you can take your master's degrees on the campuses of:

    • Bilbao
    • Saint Sebastian
    • Irun (Bidasoa)
    • Mondragon
    • Ernani
    • Oñati
    • Eskoriatza
    • Aretxabaleta

    In addition, you can also access the Barcelona Lab.

      The admission registration process is a free process that should be started as soon as possible in order to later manage the visa and the necessary documentation to be able to access studies in Spain in addition to being able to apply for dual training as well as the Mondragon Scholarships.

      Registration for university master's degrees can be formalized through this link.

      For more information about this you can contact Katerine Rivera:

      • Arrasate

        Loramendi, 4. Apartado 23 - 20500 Arrasate - Mondragón, 20500, Arrasate

      • Oñati

        Ibarra Zelaia, 2, 20560, Oñati

        • Hernani

          Jauregi Bailara, s/n, 20120, Hernani

          • Eskoriatza

            Dorleta, s/n, 20540, Eskoriatza

            • San Sebastián

              Paseo Juan Avelino Barriola, 101, 20099, San Sebastián

              • Irun

                Plaza/ Leandro Agirretxe, 1, 20304, Irun

                • Bilbao

                  Uribitarte Kalea, 6, 48001, Bilbao

                  • Bilbao

                    Bilbao, Spain

                    Mondragon Unibertsitatea