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Milano Fashion Institute


Milano Fashion Institute is the Fashion & Luxury School of Management for Fashion Specialists participated by Camera Nazionale Della Moda Italiana in partnership with Italian and International Universities. A qualified and unique learning experience, at an international level with a specific goal: the development of an interdisciplinary training centre of excellence.


Since its foundation, Milano Fashion Institute has been characterized by multidisciplinary didactic programs and by the unique faculty at an international scale: university professors, Supporting Partners, managers of successful companies, together to integrate management, design and communication, to lead junior professional among the most qualified in the field and appreciated by the Fashion and Luxury System.

Attending Milano Fashion Institute represents a unique opportunity: on a professional level, thanks to the faculty, the Career Service, and on a personal level, living a whole year in Milan, the European capital of Fashion and Luxury, as well as the country's financial and entrepreneurial capital.


It is unique internationally because:

Staying at the center of the Italian fashion system, combining academic excellence, and obtaining opportunities from the most important fashion and luxury companies in the world.

It is non-profit

This means that the final goal is training, and that is why every year all the programs are updated, starting from the demands of the Fashion System!

The competitive advantage of multidisciplinary approach

The specialized education makes it possible to understand operations down through the supply chain and increase the capacity of dialogue and competences in many corporate departments which are the drive companies requirements.


All over the year, MFI Masters provide a full calendar of activities in direct contact with the job market, including team field project with real case studies in collaboration with leading companies, company visits, itinerant seminars, guest speeches, as well as the internships, lasting a minimum of 3 months, one of the most salient experiences offered by the Masters. An extensive network of companies are involved in order to create the ideal setting for an effective contact with the job market.

Read more on the institution's website


    A contemporary, airy and elegant space inspired by the urban design of Milan, for ensuring the smoothest and most effective learning experience.


    • Interiors designed by leading Italian interior designers
    • 12 hours attended lobby with wave-shaped wall installations
    • Stand-up social function lobby
    • Contemporary hall with curated Italian fashion gallery
    • Upscale facilities, spacious restrooms and comfortable social break areas
    • Hi-speed wi-fi connection, complimentary for the students in all the campus’ areas
    • Air-conditioning for cooling and heating
    • 24 hours security cctv with full-featured private security service
    • Independent access and connecting internal accesses between the MFI buildings
    • Outside courtyard with green spaces


    • Pc, multi-view camera system, video-projector, amplifier and distance-learning multimedia
    • equipment for live interaction.
    • Digital wi-fi touch-screen blackboards.
    • Complimentary hi-speed wi-fi internet connection.
    • Individual electricity charging stations and usb sockets on all the student desks.
    • Bose® speakers system.
    • Open-plan connected classrooms through modular movable walls.
    • Floor to ceiling soundproof glass walls.
    • Air-conditioning for cooling and heating.
    • Automized sunlight shutters system.
    • Daily activated internationally certified sanitizing systems.
    • Soundproof openable windows.
    • Ergonomic certified seats.

    The most qualified selection of equipment, services and amenities that embody and blend the high education university standards, and the curated spirit of Milan, the fashion capital.

      Selection Process

      The selection process is open from February 16th, 2024, to January 15th, 2024, for the Masters in Fashion Direction. After receiving this Application Form, Milano Fashion Institute carries out a pre-selection according to the sent documents. Subsequently, the Academic Committee will inform you if the Application is suitable / or not. If eligible, Applicants must attend an oral interview with the Academic Committee, after which the final result (admission or non admission) will be communicated.

      Distance interviews are accepted for international students.

      The process usually requires a period of 3 to 6 weeks. We therefore invite the candidates to submit their applications as soon as possible. The selection process takes place throughout the opening period of the inscriptions, in separate sessions of selection.

      Starting date of lectures Masters in Fashion Direction: 27 January 2025.

      Milano Fashion Institute is committed to mentor international students, and in particular extra-E.U. citizens, in order to fully understand which is the procedure to follow for remaining in Italy and attending MFI Masters. The information provided below are alternatively for non E.U. citizens and for E.U. citizens.

      Non E.U. citizens

      Before the arrival in Italy

      1. Student VISA

      A visa is a permit issued to citizens of another country that is not part of the European Union, in order to enter the territory of the Italian Republic.

      In order to attend a Milano Fashion Institute Master, perspective students that are not E.U. citizens must have the student VISA. This visa is specifically dedicated to students who will attend a course and remain in Italy for more than 90 days.

      The student visa must be requested at the Italian Embassy or at the Italian Consulate in your home country of origin, or in the country in which the student permanently resides, before the departure to Italy.

      To find out which are the documents required to apply for a visa and find the closest place to you to request it, you can click the following link:

      2. MFI Enrollment Certificate

      During the process of requesting the visa, students are required to present their enrollment certificate to the local Italian Embassy or Consulate.

      Milano Fashion Institute provide the enrollment certificate to the eligible perspective students by 5 working days.After the arrival in Italy

      3. Residence Permit (permesso di soggiorno)

      The Italian law on immigration provides that extra-EU citizens, planning to stay in Italy for more than 3 months, have to apply for the residence permit within 8 days from their arrival in Italy.

      Extra E.U. citizens have to submit the residence permit application at any post office where there is a Sportello Amico counter available. In order to do that students can obtain the kit directly at the post office and follow the instructions. They are requested also to present the following documents: passport, MFI enrollment certificate, photocopy of the receipt of the Health insurance, a € 16,00 duty stamp (you can buy it at the Tobacconist’s, i.e. Tabacchi shop). However, Milano Fashion Institute recommends to carefully read and comply with the instructions available in the kit.

      The cost of this application that must be paid to the post office is 30,00 €. From the post office you will be given an appointment (day and time) for going to the Questura Immigration Office in order to be fingerprinted. On this appointment you will be required to bring 4 identical passport photos and the original documents, whose copies were enclosed in the application kit, including any document that could be missing in your application.

      4. Tax identification code (i.e. Codice fiscale)

      Once the student has arrived in Italy, it is necessary to obtain the codice fiscale, that is a unique tax identification code used in all the interactions with government agencies and public administration in Italy, as well as for other purposes (such as opening a bank account, signing a contract for renting an apartment or a room, signing a mobile phone contract, etc).

      Application is easy and must be made at the local office of the Agenzie delle Entrate by showing a valid passport or stay permit.

      The Agenzia delle Entrate offices available in Milan, and to which students can refer to, are at the following locations:

      Via dei Missaglia, 97. Tel: 02.893075;
      E-mail: [email protected]
      Via Abetone, 10. Tel: 02.540011 or 02.54100729;
      E-mail: [email protected]
      Via della Moscova, 2. Tel: 02.636791;
      E-mail: [email protected]
      Via Ugo Bassi, 4°. Tel: 02.697161;
      E-mail: [email protected]
      Via Leonardo Bistolfi, 5. Tel: 02.210491;
      E-mail: [email protected]
      Piazzale Carlo Stuparich, 2. Tel: 02.330251;
      E-mail: [email protected]

      E.U. citizens, along with Norway, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Iceland

      European Union’s citizens, along with citizens from Norway, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Iceland, who will remain in Italy for more than 90 months are mandatory required to register at the Ufficio Anagrafe (Registry Office) of the municipality in the city of Milan.

      In order to be registered to the Ufficio Anagrafe the following documents are required:

      - Passport or equivalent document
      - Italian Tax Identification Code (Codice fiscale)
      - The apartment rent contract or a declaration from the owner of the apartment, where the student is staying, stating that the student is a guestThe registration is completed after the Polizia Municipale (Local Police) has carried out a visit to the address in order to confirm the facts.

      Additional useful information

      If you are a foreign student, it is possible to open a current account at any bank or post office. In order to open a current account in Italy, the following documents are required:

      - Tax identification Number (Codice Fiscale)
      - Valid Passport or equivalent document
      - Residence Permit (this document is not needed for citizens of E.U., Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Switzerland).

      For which Masters is it possible to apply for a scholarship?

      Scholarships are available equal to € 9,000 (exemption from paying of the third and fourth installment), equal to 50% of the value of the Masters, are available for the Masters in Fashion Direction 2025: Brand & Product Management; Brand & Business Management; Brand & Communication Management; Brand & Luxury Management: Fashion Design & Management.

      How does it work?

      The attribution of scholarships takes place before the beginning of the course, considering both income and merit criteria, by the Academic Commission. The admission to the Master is independent from the grant of any scholarship.

      How to apply?

      The application form for scholarships is included in the "Application Form" , and it is fillable from this site, under the page "Apply". Once you have submitted the Application Form, the Academic Commission will decide, during periodic evaluation sessions, the possible attribution, with notification of the result by the beginning of the course. For any further information, please read the rules inside the module.To whom are the scholarships aimed?

      The scholarships are aimed at both Italian citizens and foreigners who wish to attend the Masters of the Milan Fashion Institute.

      By when to apply?

      The application for scholarship should be submitted by November 30, 2024.

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      • Milan

        Milano Fashion Institute via Durando, 38

      Milano Fashion Institute