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Medical University-Sofia PHARMACY
Medical University-Sofia


Sofia, Bulgaria

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English, Bulgarian

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Oct 2025

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The education course is organized in three levels and lasts five years. The first level is aimed at securing fundamental training of future pharmacists. The second level is oriented towards gaining knowledge and acquiring skills specific for the pharmaceutical profession. The education is organized in three profiles – general, clinical and industrial, the choice being made after the sixth semester. Students of both majors study special pharmaceutical and medical subjects. The third level of the study course -practicum- takes place in the X-th semester in public or hospital pharmacies, which are established as training centers. The assessment of this practical work includes written and oral colloquia. For their graduation students in pharmacy are obliged to pass a state final certification examination or to prepare and defend a diploma thesis. The graduates are conferred a “Master” degree and the qualification of “Pharmacist”.

The first year of the programme covers the subjects Mathematics; Biology; Physics and Biophysics; Latin language; Foreign Language; History of Pharmacy; Applied Mathematics; Anatomy and Physiology; Inorganic Chemistry.

The second year is dedicated to continuation of Anatomy and Physiology; the other subjects are Computer Techniques; Analytical Chemistry; Organic Chemistry; Microbiology; Pharmaceutical Botany; Physical Chemistry.

In the third year the curriculum includes Pharmaceutical Botany; Physical Chemistry; Pharmaceutical Chemistry; Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy, Part 1; Biochemistry; Clinical Chemistry; Hygiene and Ecology; Medical Techniques and Instruments; Pharmacognosy, Part 1; Pharmacology.

In the fourth year the studied subjects are Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy, Part 2; Pharmaceutical Analysis; Pharmacology; Social Pharmacy; Pharmacognosy; Pathonatomy and Pathophysiology; Toxicology; Pharmacognosy, Part 2; Medical Genetics; Clinical Medicine, Pharmacoeconomics and Pharmacotherapy.

The ninth semester covers the subjects Basics of Clinical Medicine; Pharmaceutical care, Biopharmacy and pharmacokinetics, Bromatology; Modern Requirements to the Production of Drugs.

The Faculty also offers instruction to extramural students and postgraduate education in five subjects: Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy; Drug Analysis; Medicinal Plants and Herbals; Clinical Pharmacy; Pharmacology; Hopital pharmacy; Organization and Economics of the pharmacy and distribution practice and Organization and Economics of the pharmaceutical manufacturing.

Program Admission Requirements

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