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Luleå University of Technology


The Luleå University of Technology is experiencing strong growth with world-leading competence in several areas of research. Our research is conducted in close collaboration with industries such as Bosch, Ericsson, Scania, LKAB, SKF, and leading international universities. The Luleå University of Technology has a total turnover of SEK 1.7 billion per year. We currently have 1 650 employees and 15 500 students.

Luleå University of Technology

The Luleå University of Technology is experiencing strong growth with world-leading competence in several areas of research. Our research is conducted in close collaboration with industries such as Bosch, Ericsson, Scania, LKAB, SKF, and leading international universities. The Luleå University of Technology has a total turnover of SEK 1.7 billion per year. We currently have 1,650 employees and 15,500 students.

The Luleå University of Technology is the northernmost technical university in Scandinavia, located at the east coast of northern Sweden only 100 km south of the Arctic Circle with dramatic differences between summer and winter. From spectacular northern light, plenty of snow and a frozen sea to warm summer days at some of the beaches and 24 hours daylight enable generous possibilities for outdoor activities the year around.

The location is within a short distance from some of the most active areas of mining and exploration in Europe. The university has a strong position in education and research regarding exploration, mining, metallurgy, and the environment. This is reflected by the long tradition of interaction with the exploration and mining industry and industry funding of research.

/ photo courtesy of Luleå University of Technology

photo courtesy of Luleå University of Technology

Vision and Strategies 2030

Vision 2030

Luleå University of Technology – Vision 2030:

  • We shape the future through innovative education and ground-breaking research results. Drawing on our location in the Arctic region, we create global societal benefit.

Overall Goals

The two overall goals of Luleå University of Technology for the year 2030 are:

  • We are a challenge-driven university, acknowledged for its contributions to a competitive and sustainable society.
  • We are characterized by interdisciplinary and top-quality education and research.

Main Strategies

In order to put our vision and our overall goals into practice, we focus on six main strategies.

  • With solid and long-term collaborations, we ensure quality, relevance, and visibility.
  • Through strategic networks and alliances, we position ourselves and have an impact on societal development.
  • With a high-quality infrastructure, we confirm our profile and strengthen collaboration.
  • Through internationalization, we strengthen and broaden our activities and contribute to global societal benefit.
  • Through digitization and new technology, we promote innovative teaching and learning environments as well as efficient and accessible services.
  • With an inclusive culture formed by courage, openness, and trust, we create development and innovation.

/ photo courtesy of Luleå University of Technology

photo courtesy of Luleå University of Technology


The Luleå University of Technology develops an attractive sustainable society through research and education. Many of our research subjects related to different aspects of sustainability, like natural resources management, sustainable urban development, waste management, and recycling. Sustainability is also a key issue in our work to develop Sweden's best learning environment.

Become a student at Luleå University of Technology

When you become a student at the Luleå University of Technology, you will get a world-class education.

We have snow!

Whether you are looking for freshly groomed ski slopes, magnificent peak expeditions along mountainsides, or heliiskiing, Luleå University of Technology offers Sweden's best skiing. From October to Midsummer there is something for everyone, under the midnight sun or in the mid winter's darkness.

World-class Research

The Luleå University of Technology is at the forefront of several research areas that are of major importance to society. Some of our researchers are former students at the university and today they are recognized internationally. For example, an instrument will soon land on Mars to look for water and, maybe, find life on the planet.

The Industry's University

The companies like us, both in research collaborations and when it comes to taking help from our students in courses and thesis projects.

As a student at the Luleå University of Technology, you benefit from our close cooperation with companies and society.

Regardless of which program you choose, you will have the opportunity during the education to connect with employers. Many of our courses are given in project form wherein a sharp project you work on solving a task for a company or an organization. It can also be your entrance to a future job, an opportunity that many of our former students have taken advantage of. Some innovations developed in our project courses have become so successful that they resulted in patents.

The study environment at Luleå University of Technology

At the Luleå University of Technology, there are bright and fresh facilities with many social spaces for students and cafes and restaurants in almost every building.

  • Luleå

    Lulea university of technology, 97187, Luleå

    Luleå University of Technology