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Leuphana University Luneburg Professional Master in Sustainable Chemistry (M.Sc.)
Leuphana University Luneburg

Professional Master in Sustainable Chemistry (M.Sc.)

Lüneburg, Germany

4 Semesters


Part time

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EUR 19,000 *


* plus the cur­rent term cont­ri­bu­ti­on of 210 € per term


Chemistry - Sustainability - Sustainable Development

The pro­fes­sio­nal Mas­ters pro­gram M.Sc. Sustainable Chemistry pro­vi­des ex­pert in­ter­di­sci­pli­na­ry trai­ning in sustainable che­mis­try. Our uni­que cur­ri­cu­lum teaches – from the mole­cu­lar le­vel to glo­bal pro­duct flows, sustaina­bi­li­ty as­sess­ment and al­ter­na­ti­ve busi­ness mo­dels for che­mi­cal pro­ducts – how to un­der­stand and ap­p­ly chemistry in the context of sustainability.

Chemistry is the key en­ab­ling sci­ence for the pro­ducts we use in our ever­y­day life. Every sec­tor of our so­cie­ty, from agri­cul­tu­re, health­ca­re, mo­bi­li­ty, en­er­gy to the di­gi­tal sec­tor has been and is being shaped by che­mi­cal in­no­va­tions. Whi­le sub­stan­ti­al­ly cont­ri­bu­ting to our health and well­being, che­mis­try plays an im­portant role in fa­c­ing to­day’s chal­len­ges of re­sour­ce de­p­le­ti­on, cli­ma­te chan­ge, and pol­lu­ti­on as well as for se­cu­ring a sustainable development of our so­cie­ties.

The in­no­va­ti­ve Mas­ters pro­gram­ M.Sc. Sustainable Che­mis­try teaches pro­fes­sio­nals with a back­ground in che­mis­try to un­der­stand the re­le­van­ce and op­por­tu­nities of che­mis­try in the con­text of sustaina­bi­li­ty. This first of its kind in­ter­di­sci­pli­na­ry pro­gram­ con­veys a broad un­der­stan­ding of sustainable che­mis­try ran­ging from the mole­cu­lar le­vel of che­mi­cal pro­ducts to glo­bal ma­te­ri­al and pro­duct flows, al­ter­na­ti­ve busi­ness mo­dels, tools for as­ses­sing sustaina­bi­li­ty, in­ter­na­tio­nal re­gu­la­ti­ons and stra­te­gies for in­itia­ting and lea­ding chan­ge towards sustaina­bi­li­ty. Ex­ten­ding much bey­ond the lens of green che­mis­try, the cur­ri­cu­lum de­li­vers uni­que­ly no­vel per­spec­tives on how che­mis­try can and must cont­ri­bu­te to sustainable de­ve­lop­ment and the Sustainable De­ve­lop­ment Goals of the Agen­da 2030.

At a Glance

  • Degree: Mas­ter of Sci­ence (M.Sc.)
  • Credit Points: 90
  • Length of Study: 4 se­mes­ters
  • Language: Eng­lish
  • Study Places: 25
  • Start Date: March
  • Application Deadline: December 10th



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