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Leuphana University Luneburg Master Arts and Cultural Management
Leuphana University Luneburg

Master Arts and Cultural Management

Lüneburg, Germany

3 up to 4 Semesters


Part time

31 May 2024

Sep 2024

EUR 7,284 / per year *


* 60 CP va­ri­ant, or 9.284 Euro, 90 CP va­ri­ant, plus the cur­rent term cont­ri­bu­ti­on of 210 Euro per term


At a Glance

  • Degree: Mas­ter of Arts (M.A.)
  • Credit Points: 2 va­ri­ants (60 and 90 CP)
  • Length of Study: 3 or 4 terms ex­tra-oc­cupa­tio­nal
  • Language: Eng­lish
  • Study Places: 40
  • Start Date: September
  • Application Deadline: May 31
  • Program Directors: Prof. Dr. Sigrid Bekmeier-Feuerhahn, Prof. Dr. Volker Kirchberg

Developed by the Leuphana Professional School in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut

The Arts and Cul­tu­ral Ma­nage­ment Mas­ters to be run by the Pro­fes­sio­nal School and the Goe­the-In­sti­tut from 2018 is an innovative new English-language, professional, distance-learning cultural management program that will train cul­tu­ral pro­fes­sio­nals from all over the world to deal with transformation processes in the culture sector. Com­pre­hen­si­ve in­ter­na­tio­nal cul­tu­ral ma­nage­ment with a key fo­cus on the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary combination of cultural and business studies is at the cent­re of the program­. You will look at the risks po­sed and op­por­tu­nities of­fe­red by cur­rent de­ve­lop­ments such as de­mo­gra­phic chan­ge, di­gi­ti­sa­ti­on, and glo­ba­li­sa­ti­on in re­la­ti­on to cul­tu­ral in­sti­tu­ti­ons, and de­ve­lop long-term stra­te­gies to make your or­ga­ni­sa­ti­on fit for the fu­ture.

A Wealth of Choice: the Program to Meet Your Needs

We of­fer va­rious ver­si­ons of the Arts and Cul­tu­ral Ma­nage­ment Mas­ters to meet your specific professional development needs. You can take a 4-se­mes­ter cour­se worth a to­tal of 90 credit points or a 3-se­mes­ter cour­se worth a to­tal of 60 credit points, and choo­se from a ran­ge of man­da­to­ry elec­tives. The cur­ri­cu­lum in­clu­des a to­tal of three cer­ti­fi­ca­tes, and you can also stu­dy for the­se in­di­vi­dual­ly.

Distance-learning Cultural Management Program With A Focus On International Practice

A key as­pect of the Cul­tu­ral Ma­nage­ment Mas­ters is ho­n­ing your prac­tical skills. That is why case studies and projects in which you de­ve­lop so­lu­ti­ons to real sce­na­ri­os in glo­bal prac­tice are an in­te­gral part of the pro­gram­me. This prac­tical as­pect also gi­ves you the op­por­tu­ni­ty to rai­se and ex­plo­re pro­blems from your ever­y­day work. Stu­dents are the­re­fo­re not just lear­ners: you are an ex­pert in your own in­sti­tu­tio­nal and cul­tu­ral en­vi­ron­ment and sha­re your know­ledge of prac­tice with others on the cour­se.

Discussions, group work and interdisciplinary projects fur­ther pro­mo­te the ex­ch­an­ge of know­ledge, and teaching staff with experience in international roles and experienced culture managers from the Goe­the-In­sti­tut will pro­vi­de va­luable prac­tical in­sights.

A Wealth of Cultural Management Expertise for Your Professional Development

The Arts and Cul­tu­ral Ma­nage­ment cour­se is run by the Leu­pha­na Pro­fes­sio­nal School in close collaboration with the Goethe-Institut. The Goe­the-In­sti­tut is Ger­ma­ny’s glo­bal cul­tu­ral in­sti­tu­te and has ex­ten­si­ve ex­per­ti­se in the field of cul­tu­ral ma­nage­ment. It has a role both in pro­gram­me de­ve­lop­ment and in teaching on the Mas­ter of Arts in Arts and Cul­tu­ral Ma­nage­ment. This en­su­res the pro­gram­me’s strong link to prac­tice, in par­ti­cu­lar as re­gards the many dif­fe­rent con­texts in which cul­tu­ral ma­nage­ment ope­ra­tes glo­bal­ly.

At Whom Is the Online Distance-learning Masters in Arts and Cultural Management Aimed?

The Cul­tu­ral Ma­nage­ment Mas­ters is ai­med at candidates with the practical experience from the culture sector, for ex­amp­le as part of or­ga­ni­sa­ti­ons or as in­de­pen­dent ar­tis­tic and cul­tu­ral play­ers; at can­di­da­tes who want to de­ve­lop their ex­per­ti­se in cul­tu­ral ma­nage­ment, learn how to deal sustain­ab­ly with cur­rent op­por­tu­nities and chal­len­ges in cul­tu­ral ma­nage­ment, and ac­tive­ly dri­ve for­ward their ca­re­ers by buil­ding up their aca­de­mic pro­fi­le. Ap­p­li­cants should al­re­a­dy hold a re­le­vant un­der­gra­dua­te de­gree and pro­vi­de pro­of of pro­fi­ci­en­cy in Eng­lish.

Study for a Master of Arts in Cultural Management While Working

The dis­tan­ce-learning Arts and Cul­tu­ral Ma­nage­ment (M.A.) cour­se in­clu­des a to­tal of two block seminars in Lüneburg but otherwise runs online. This me­ans that you will pre­pa­re and re­view con­tent by working through cour­se ma­te­ri­al and using on­line learning tools such as We­bi­nars. Live on­line ses­si­ons will be sche­du­led in line with stu­dents’ time zo­nes so that are all able to take part. This will al­low you ef­fec­tive­ly to com­bi­ne uni­ver­si­ty with pro­fes­sio­nal life in your home coun­try.

An e-tu­tor and the pro­gram­me co­or­di­na­tor will be avail­able to help du­ring the on­line blocks.



Program Outcome

Program Tuition Fee

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