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Lebanese International University Master in Surveying Engineering
Lebanese International University

Master in Surveying Engineering

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The program includes following courses:

Underground & Marine Survey

The goal of this course is to explain the methods and the tools used to establish the surveying inside the tunnels, the off-shore surveying, and the connection between this work and that accomplished on the Earth surface, introduction to marine survey, marine maps, marine course, Echosounders and depth measurements, combining echo-sounders and GPS observation, production of marine maps.

Geomatics for Civil Works

Specific applications of the principles and techniques introduced in earlier surveying courses are applied to a range of engineering projects in this course. The main emphasis, however, will be on the practical application of this knowledge in practical projects. Linear measurements- fieldwork practice. Leveling, Angular measurement, building setting out, building surveys, roads works- curve calculation, roads works- setting out, drain and pipelines, height tension electricity. Hydrographic survey.

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