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Lebanese International University Master in Food Science and Technology
Lebanese International University

Master in Food Science and Technology

1 up to 2 Years

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Full time

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USD 180 / per credit *


* per credit


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Physiochemical aspect of foods

Explanation of physical and chemical interactions between various constituents resulting from processing operations often lead to physical sensory and nutritional changes in foods. Combination of important information on processing and food quality. This course describes the effects of various processing technologies on quality changes of different major foods in an integrative manner

Advanced Food Engineering

Discuss the modeling, design, and simulation of the most important food processes mainly the heat and mass transfer processes. This is done by explaining the fundamental engineering and economics relationships, and literature data on physical and transport properties of food.


An in-depth research conducted performed under the supervision of the student's adviser. It includes training and practicing experimental techniques, experimental design, running experiments, collecting and analyzing data, and preparation, writing and submitting the thesis.

About the School


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