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University of Milan


The University of Milan, also known as “La Statale”, is a hundred-year-old, multi-campus, multidisciplinary public University in the very heart of Milan, the Italian capital of innovation, culture, and design. La Statale, the biggest university in the Lombardy region, one of the richest and most advanced districts in Europe, is very well ranked, both at the national and international levels, thanks to the high quality of its teaching and academic research.

The University of Milan, also known as “La Statale”, is a hundred-year-old, multi-campus, multidisciplinary public University in the very heart of Milan, the Italian capital of innovation, culture, and design. La Statale, the biggest university in the Lombardy region, one of the richest and most advanced districts in Europe, is very well ranked, both at the national and international levels, thanks to the high quality of its teaching and academic research. With its 8 Faculties and 2 Schools (Humanities, School of Exercise and Sports Science, Pharmacy, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Law, Political, Economic and Social Sciences, Agricultural and Food Sciences, Science and Technology, School of Language Mediation and Intercultural Communication) La Statale offers 157-degree courses at undergraduate and graduate level, 35 PhD programs, 65 Postgraduate schools, and several vocational Masters, Summer and Winter Schools.

By joining us, you will experience a real international, challenging, cutting-edge academic environment! La Statale is in fact the only Italian member of LERU, a prestigious network that gathers, only by invitation, 24 research-intensive European universities. It is also a proud member of the 4EU+ Alliance which aims at developing an integrated European university system. In the near future, our scientific faculties will be relocated to the MIND (Milano Innovation District) campus, an ambitious project that aims to offer students from all over the world the most advanced, appealing, and functional infrastructures, facilities and laboratories in close connection with The Human Technopole labs.

You will be studying in a modern urban campus in a strongly innovation-driven ecosystem. International students are very welcome in our University. We offer more than 40 English-taught programs at all levels (Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD), more than 20 Double Degree programs, free Italian language and culture courses, dedicated financial aid, and fixed favourable tuition fees. Join us and be part of our exciting future!

We look forward to seeing you in Milan.


The people, boards, and planning documents involved in academic governance: from the Rector to the Board of Directors. The management and administration offices, libraries, departments, faculties and schools, cultural centres and institutions, and university farms.

  • Governance and strategy
  • Offices and facilities

Quality Assurance

The processes, people and tools ensure quality in teaching, research, and the third mission, the calendar of training events.


The University of Milan is a leading Italian university for investment in research infrastructure and human capital: two essential elements for tackling the complex challenges of knowledge in a rapidly changing social and industrial context.

As a public institution concerned with the development and progress of knowledge, the University has always been committed to research projects that influence the quality of life of citizens. Research at the University of Milan is mostly conducted in the departments and the many specialized structures, favoring the creation and growth of networks of collaboration locally, nationally, and internationally.

Scientific activity involves the whole academic community from professors, researchers, doctoral students, fellowship-holders, and fellows to undergraduates, in an ideal quest for new ideas.

Third Mission

In addition to its two key functions – scientific research and education – the University engages in Third Mission activities aimed at spreading culture, and knowledge and transferring research results outside the academic community, thus contributing to social and cultural growth.

The University intends to be an economic and cultural engine for the local area, fostering progress and innovation, and promoting dialogue and interaction with citizens, the economic system, and public and private institutions.

In the "knowledge society", we will leverage our multidisciplinary skills to create synergies and promote collaborations and exchanges both internally and externally.


The University Library Service (Servizio bibliotecario d’Ateneo, SBA) comprises 17 libraries, each of them specialized in one of the areas of teaching and research at the University of Milan. They provide access to 1,800,000 printed books and over 28,000 journals. In addition, the Digital Library gives access to 700,000 ebooks, 140,000 journals, and about 270 databases.

Users can access this rich collection of books and documents through Minerva, the University catalogue that allows you to query all collections and access electronic resources.
Through the personal area of Minerva, readers can send loan requests, reserve books that are currently out on loan, and request renewals.

The Library Service also gives access to rich documentary Archives pertaining to personalities and institutions from the world of academia, culture, and publishing, as well as the University’s historical archive.

Besides providing equipped rooms where users can study, find journals, and borrow books for their exams and research, the University Libraries offer assistance and bibliographic information services. Librarians can help you find what you are looking for: you can also contact them from home through the online service “Ask a Librarian”.

Libraries also organize training sessions on web searching and on the use of online catalogues, databases, ebooks, and journals in the Digital library.

    Admissions to academic year 2024/2025

    Applications to open-admission Master’s degree programs for the academic year 2024/2025 are open from 22 January 2024.

    Calls for applications to Bachelor’s degree programs, single-cycle degree programs, and capped-enrolment Master’s degree programs will be published starting in March 2024.

    The calls contain the following key information:

    • Admission requirements
    • Number of places available (for capped programs)
    • Dates, syllabi, delivery modes, and venues of the entrance tests, are mandatory for all undergraduate degree programs (both with capped and open admission)
    • Rankings (for capped programs)
    • Enrolment procedures
    • Transfers
    • Disability or SLD accommodations

    Enrolment procedures for international students

    Non-EU students residing outside of Italy can generally apply for admission to open-admission Master’s degree programs until 30 April 2024.

    Find out how and when to enroll in the degree programs of the University of Milan as an international student

    Student Visa

    All non-EU students must apply for a student visa to the Italian embassy or consulate in their country of residence, before coming to Italy. You will have to show the acceptance letter received from the International Relations and Agreements Office of the University of Milan. The visa is required to apply for a residence permit once in Italy.

    Resident permit

    EU citizens

    If you are an EU citizen, you can stay in our country for up to 3 months without any formality, provided that you have a valid identity document for expatriation. After 3 months, you will have to register with your local civil records office.

    If you live in Milan, you can book an appointment on the website.

    On the day of the appointment, bring with you:

    1. your passport or identity card
    2. self-certification of enrolment at our University
    3. a copy of documents demonstrating the availability of adequate financial resources (approximately € 5,400), for example, proof that you hold a scholarship or details of your current account.
    4. a copy of the health insurance payment receipt

    Non-EU citizens

    Pursuant to Italian immigration law, non-EU citizens who intend to stay in Italy for more than three months must apply for a residence permit within 8 days of entering Italy.

    First application

    You have to fill in and submit the residence permit application kit. You can ask for the kit at the Welcome Desk, where someone will help you to fill it in. It has to be submitted to a post office displaying the Sportello amico logo, along with:

    1. Photocopy of your passport (only the pages with your personal details and the visa stamp)
    2. Documentation stating the chosen study program and its duration (University pre-application summary)
    3. A copy of the health insurance payment receipt


    In order to renew your residence permit you have to fill in the application kit, specifying that it is a renewal. The kit is available at a post office displaying the Sportello Amico logo. Return the kit to the post office along with the following documents:

    1. Photocopy of your passport (only the pages with your personal details and the visa stamp)
    2. A copy of your residence permit
    3. A copy of documents demonstrating the availability of adequate financial resources (approximately € 5,400), for example, proof that you hold a scholarship or details of your current account
    4. A certificate of enrolment with exams taken (if you live in Milan, a formal statement replacing the certificate is accepted)
    5. A copy of the health insurance payment receipt

    You should begin the renewal procedure 60 days before the expiry date.

    International scholarships

    In line with its internationalization strategies for increasing incoming mobility and attractiveness to foreign students, the University of Milan offers its international students scholarships and exemptions from tuition fees.

    Excellence scholarships

    The University of Milan offers its best new students "Excellence Scholarships", all students enrolled in the first year of a Master's degree programme can apply.

    For academic year 2023/2024, 155 incentives are available to the best international students admitted to a Master's degree programme, of which:

    • 55 scholarships worth € 6,000 each, with the right to exemption from the all-inclusive tuition fee
    • 100 total exemptions from the all-inclusive tuition fee

    "Excellence Scholarships" are awarded by an ad-hoc Commission among all those who applied for admission to a Master's degree programme by 31 May 2023.

    You don't have to apply. In July, the beneficiaries will receive a formal email confirming the grant.

    Scholarships for specialisation students

    Every year, the Academic Senate decides on the number of scholarships to be awarded in each individual Postgraduate School.

    Available scholarships are awarded on a yearly basis based on criteria of merit and income. Merit is established:

    • In the first year based on the admission ranking list
    • In subsequent years based on passing the yearly official exam

    The maximum income is 7,745,50 euros gross in the calendar year in which the scholarship is awarded.

    The Student Registry notifies successful winners of scholarships by their personal University email.

    The scholarship, amounting to 11,357 euros per year, is exempt from personal income tax and is paid in 2 instalments, for the entire duration of the programme, excluding any periods of suspension:

    • The first instalment is paid when the decree awarding the scholarship is issued
    • The second instalment is paid after the School’s Director submits the student’s programme attendance certificate to the Salary, Benefits and Independent Contractor Division - Office for Training and Research Contracts.

    In order to receive the scholarship, the student must submit the personal and banking details form to the Salary, Benefits and Independent Contractor Division - Office for Training and Research Contracts.

    University scholarships

    Offered by the University, these grants are reserved for students whose income exceeds the limit set in calls for applications for regional scholarships covered by the Education incentive programme (Diritto allo Studio).

    The University makes available 945 University scholarships- worth 1,800 Euros each, for the academic year 2023/2024.


    All requirements are specified in detail in the call for applications, usually published in July.

    The scholarship is paid on the “Carta La Statale”, the University personal badge for access to University services. In order to receive the payments, the Carta La Statale must be activated as a prepaid card Flash Up Studio La Statale.

    As of 2024, you can access the University's admission/enrolment/education incentive programmes and information services by using your SPID identity.

    • Milan

      Via Festa del Perdono, 7

    • Milan

      Milan, Italy

    • Edolo

      dell’Università degli Studi di Milano via Morino 8

      University of Milan