Master of Journalism All Media – Focus International Journalism
Nice, France
2 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
Oct 2024
EUR 7,225 / per year *
* €7,225 per year
This Master's degree is aimed at students with a general Bachelor's degree (Human Sciences, Sciences, Medicine, Law, etc.) or a Bac+3 and who have never done journalism (minimum 180 ECTS credits) .
Our teaching method is adapted to students accustomed to studying. It is efficient and fast and allows access to several internships in national or international editorial offices. This training allows you to become a professional journalist in 2 years.
To become an international journalist , you need to have a good level of English and be good at languages in general. It is essential to have an excellent knowledge of geography, geopolitics and geostrategy. You must of course like to travel to meet people... Observe, listen, be able to blend into another country, adopt its habits and customs and specific behaviors.
Les cours ont lieu dans notre établissement à Nice. Tous les cours de « culture générale » se font en classe, en face à face avec les enseignants. Lorsque le cours requiert un professeur particulièrement spécialisé qui n’est pas présent à Nice, les cours peuvent avoir lieu en visioconférence.
Les cours de journalisme et de pratique professionnelle ont lieu sur le terrain ou dans les studios radio et télé en petits groupes. Ils sont organisés comme dans une vraie rédaction, sous la responsabilité de journalistes professionnels.
At the EDJ, we call this Real Media. Every morning, students participate in an editorial conference on international current affairs. They must be proactive. They then go on a report. Back at the editorial office, they synthesize, write and format their reports. The journalists correct the work of the students who train daily and thus learn their future profession live.
This Master's degree is based on a privileged partnership with (the online media for French expatriates). This partnership allows students to go on internships in around sixty cities around the world. Everywhere, internships are held in French and allow students to train but also to discover a new country, a new language, a new approach to the profession. Students can go to foreign countries, to French editorial offices, with French editors-in-chief who will support them. They therefore progress in the practice of the profession, but in addition, they discover new languages and new cultures!
Ideal Students
This Master's degree is aimed at those who love adventure, travel, the discovery of other cultures and who have a good level of English. It is suitable for students who have never done journalism.
The 1st year allows you to discover the profession of international journalist and to practice it daily on all media (written press, radio, TV, web). Students learn to use tools specific to each medium (reporting tape recorders, cameras, editing software, etc.). International culture courses allow you to cover all types of subjects.
The year ends with an internship in a media outlet.
950 hours (courses + professional practices).
In the 2nd year, students are already introduced to your future profession. They will complete their training and become specialists in the written press, radio, television and the web. They also continue to develop their international culture.
The year is punctuated by an immersion course between the two semesters. At the end of the year, students have access to an optional professional integration internship of 1 to 4 months, in a local, national or international media (internships abroad can be financed by ERASMUS+ or PRAME scholarships).
850 hours (courses + professional practices).
Please see our for more detailed course information.
Career Opportunities
- Correspondent,
- Permanent envoy,
- Reporting abroad,
- War reporter,
- Great reporter,
- Written press or web journalist,
- radio reporter,
- presenter,
- Journalist Image Reporter (JRI),
- press photographer,
- columnist,
- movie critic,
- editor,
- copyeditor,
- local correspondent,
- Community Manager…