MSc Nuclear Energy Engineering
Stockholm, Sweden
2 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
Aug 2025
SEK 310,000 / per year *
* full program tuition fee for non-EU/EEA/Swiss citizens
The master’s programme in Nuclear Energy Engineering covers all aspects of nuclear engineering, including the physics and technology of nuclear reactors, nuclear power safety and radiation protection. Students choose from numerous unique elective courses covering, for example, generation IV reactors and small modular reactors. Graduates design, operate, manage and develop nuclear facilities, usually as nuclear engineers, consultants, researchers and managers.
Nuclear Energy at KTH
A new generation of advanced nuclear technologies offer unparalleled power, speed and scalability to dramatically accelerate the transition to a low or even post-carbon energy landscape. At the same time, innovations in waste management have dramatically reduced risk and negative impact on the environment.
Experts across the globe coincide on the potential of nuclear energy in the fight against climate change. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) highlights the need for nuclear energy to achieve a rapid decarbonisation. In fact, the four most promising pathways that could limit global warming by 1.5°C by 2050 include nuclear energy. The possibilities are clear. And enormously exciting...
To drive innovation and accelerate safe and effective deployment, we now have an urgent need for a new generation of engineers – change leaders who have the big-picture understanding, the world-class technical skills, the entrepreneurial tools and the innovation mindset to fully leverage this opportunity. To overcome the challenges. And to play a critical role in forging a post-carbon future. The joint master’s progrmme in Nuclear Energy is your fast track to a world-class career at the cutting edge of innovation in the global energy transition.
The programme is offered at the following universities:
- KTH Royal Institute of Technology, in Sweden
- UPC: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech, Barcelona, Spain
- Grenoble INP Institute of Technology, France
- Université Paris Saclay, France
- Université Paris Sciences et Lettres (PSL), France
- École des Ponts ParisTech (ENPC), France
- Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France
Program Outcome
Sustainable development
Graduates from KTH have the knowledge and tools for moving society in a more sustainable direction, as sustainable development is an integral part of all programmes. The three key sustainable development goals addressed by the master's programme in Nuclear Energy Engineering are:
- 4 Quality Education
- 7 Affordable and Clean Energy
- 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Quality Education: Education in our programme is subject to continuous transformation and the adoption of effective learning tools. Our courses are taught by active researchers who regularly publish in international journals. Our teachers are highly trained educators.
Affordable and Clean Energy: Our programme directly contributes to developing technology and infrastructure for providing affordable and clean energy. Nuclear power is CO2 free and does not cause climate change associated with the CO2 production of many other means of energy transformation.
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure: Our programme maintains a strong connection with industry and with innovation within the industry. Some of our courses, such as the SH2610 course (Leadership for Safe Nuclear Power Industry), are taught by invited experts from the industrial sector. Moreover, you can carry out your master’s degree projects in the industry.
Sustainable development
Graduates from KTH have the knowledge and tools for moving society in a more sustainable direction, as sustainable development is an integral part of all programmes. The three key sustainable development goals addressed by the master's programme in Nuclear Energy Engineering are:
- 4 Quality Education
- 7 Affordable and Clean Energy
- 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Quality Education: Education in our programme is subject to continuous transformation and the adoption of effective learning tools. Our courses are taught by active researchers who regularly publish in international journals. Our teachers are highly trained educators.
Affordable and Clean Energy: Our programme directly contributes to developing technology and infrastructure for providing affordable and clean energy. Nuclear power is CO2 free and does not cause climate change associated with the CO2 production of many other means of energy transformation.
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure: Our programme maintains a strong connection with industry and with innovation within the industry. Some of our courses, such as the SH2610 course (Leadership for Safe Nuclear Power Industry), are taught by invited experts from the industrial sector. Moreover, you can carry out your master’s degree projects in the industry.
- Nuclear Engineer
- Researcher
- Analyst
- Consultant
- Manager
Scholarships and Funding
KTH offers four different scholarship opportunities for master's studies. The KTH Scholarship covers the tuition fee of a one or two year master’s programme. The KTH One-Year Scholarship is aimed at current KTH master's programme students and covers the tuition fee of the second year of studies. The KTH Joint Programme Scholarship is aimed at students in certain joint programmes and covers the tuition fee for the study period spent at KTH. The KTH India Scholarship is aimed specifically at students from India.
- KTH Scholarship
- KTH One-Year Scholarship
- KTH Joint Programme Scholarship
- KTH India Scholarship
Swedish Institute
The Swedish Institute (SI) offers a number of scholarships for students from targeted countries coming to Sweden.
KTH associated scholarship organisations
KTH cooperates with the following organisations providing scholarship opportunities for prospective KTH students.
- COLFUTURO (Programa Crédito Beca) for students from Colombia
- LPDP (Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education) for students from Indonesia
- FUNED for students from Mexico
Scholarship portals
IEFA database
The IEFA database offer a comprehensive scholarships search, grant listing and international student loan programmes.
The Studyportals scholarship database lists over 1,000 scholarship and grants for students worldwide applying for studies in the EU.
Scholarships for Development is a database of scholarships open to students from developing countries.
WeMakeScholars helps students from India secure education loans from banks and NBFCs. They also lists more than 26,000 international scholarships from different trusts, foundations and govt. bodies.
Deferment of student loans in the United States
KTH is an accredited institution at the US Department of Education and holds a Title IV 'Deferment Only' status (OPE ID 03274300). US students may defer payments on existing federal student loan accounts while enrolled in a master’s programme at KTH. The 'Deferment Only' status does not allow students to take out federal student loans for enrolment at KTH. However, the accreditation facilitates grant and loan opportunities for US students as many private student loan institutions in the US use this designation as a requirement to grant new loans. Students who wish to defer payments must contact their lending institution in the US.
Several scholarship options are available. Please check the institute website for more information.
Nuclear Energy Engineering at KTH
The master’s programme in Nuclear Energy Engineering serves the nuclear engineering-related industry worldwide in its growing need for competent nuclear engineers and researchers. Our programme gives you a strong foundation in the physics and technology of nuclear reactors and power plants, nuclear power safety, sustainable energy transformation technologies, and radiation protection and dosimetry.
In terms of the number of students and courses, the programme is one of the largest nuclear engineering programmes in the world. Students come from countries all around the world, joining our programme directly, within the EIT InnoEnergy programme EMINE, or via dual diploma and double degree agreements with many other universities in Europe and Asia.
You can choose from a great variety of unique courses, such as generation IV reactors, small modular reactors, the nuclear fuel cycle, Monte Carlo methods and simulations in nuclear technology, reactor and power plant simulations, thermal-hydraulics, radiation damage in materials, leadership for the safe nuclear power industry, chemistry and physics of nuclear fuels, and numerical methods in nuclear engineering.
Many courses are based on modern teaching methods, such as the flipped classroom approach, and utilise computer-supported interactive assignments and examinations, lecture video recordings, and dedicated e-books. Our courses also utilise the APROS simulator – an advanced simulation tool for nuclear reactors and power plants.
All lecturing staff are actively involved in research projects in broad international cooperation. For example, we conduct experiments in severe accident management, heavy metal coolant technology, nuclear fuel materials and thermal hydraulics.
Our programme cooperates with several industrial partners in Sweden and abroad. You can carry out your master’s degree projects in companies such as Westinghouse, Studsvik, Vattenfall, OKG, Forsmark, and Vysus Group.
This is a two-year programme (120 ECTS credits) given in English. Graduates are awarded the degree of Master of Science. The programme is given mainly at KTH Campus in Stockholm by the School of Engineering Sciences (at KTH).
Topics covered
Physics and technology of nuclear reactors and power plants, radiation protection, the safety of nuclear power plants, generation IV reactors, small reactors, energy transformations, materials in nuclear engineering, nuclear fuel cycle, simulations of nuclear reactors and power plants.
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
Nuclear power undergoes continuous development as an essential part of carbon-free electricity production. Many reactors are currently under construction worldwide. A new generation of nuclear reactors is being developed and envisioned to answer the growing need for safe, economic and sustainable electricity production.
Students of our master’s programme are highly regarded by industry, authorities and research establishments in Sweden, Europe and worldwide. In Sweden, graduates work at companies such as ABB, Vattenfall Nuclear AB, EON, Westinghouse, Forsmark Kraftgrupp, Ringhals, OKG, Radiation Safety Authority (SSM), Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management (SKB), Vysus Group, AFRY, Studsvik, Kiwa Inspecta Nuclear AB and other.
Our programme also prepares you for a career in research or continued studies towards a doctoral degree. New positions for doctoral students open in the nuclear engineering field at KTH every year. Our students have also gone to PhD studies at other prominent universities in Europe and USA.
After graduation
Nuclear Engineer, Researcher, Analyst, Consultant, and Manager.
Student Testimonials
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.