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Kobe Pharmaceutical University


‹Kobe Pharmaceutical University has a long history, which celebrated the eightieth anniversary in 2012. Since the founding in 1932, the goal of our university has been to educate students who will be able to contribute to society, and we have produced a great many talented people who play active parts as pharmacists in hospitals, dispensing pharmacies, and drugstores as well as researchers, developers and medical representatives in pharmaceutical companies. In recent years, there have been outstanding progress in medical treatments, and works in medical settings have been specialized. Corresponding to this situation, the system of pharmacy education shifted to a six-year system, and on March 2012 we had the first graduates who finished the education system. Now it is necessary to enrich the education system. For that purpose, we have cooperated with Kobe University, other universities, and medical institutes nearby. And we have tried to train students who have enriched knowledge in pharmacy, abilities of scientific thinking, consciousness to be medical men, warm hearts to understand patients, and cooperativeness to work with other staff in medical teams. We have also put emphasis on English education and tried to train students to be internationalized using the e-learning English education system and enhancing the overseas training system in pharmacy. Life-long education is getting more important to follow the rapid progress in medical care; we have established a characteristic education system for it conducted by Kobe Pharmaceutical University Extension Center. As well as education, research activities are an important mission for universities. In our university, we have actively developed research projects on clinical pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences, tried to contribute to society by the products, and at the same time to produce talented people who can be active in a broad field related to pharmacy.

Kobe Pharmaceutical University has a long history, which celebrated the eightieth anniversary in 2012. Since the founding in 1932, the goal of our university has been to educate students who will be able to contribute to society, and we have produced a great many talented people who play active parts as pharmacists in hospitals, dispensing pharmacies, and drugstores as well as researchers, developers and medical representatives in pharmaceutical companies. In recent years, there have been outstanding progress in medical treatments, and works in medical settings have been specialized. Corresponding to this situation, the system of pharmacy education shifted to a six-year system, and on March 2012 we had the first graduates who finished the education system. Now it is necessary to enrich the education system. For that purpose, we have cooperated with Kobe University, other universities, and medical institutes nearby. And we have tried to train students who have enriched knowledge in pharmacy, abilities of scientific thinking, consciousness to be medical men, warm hearts to understand patients, and cooperativeness to work with other staff in medical teams. We have also put emphasis on English education and tried to train students to be internationalized using the e-learning English education system and enhancing the overseas training system in pharmacy. Life-long education is getting more important to follow the rapid progress in medical care; we have established a characteristic education system for it conducted by Kobe Pharmaceutical University Extension Center.

As well as education, research activities are an important mission for universities. In our university, we have actively developed research projects on clinical pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences, tried to contribute to society by the products, and at the same time to produce talented people who can be active in a broad field related to pharmacy.

  • Kobe

    Kobe, Japan

    Kobe Pharmaceutical University