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Juarez University Of Durango State  (Universidad Juarez Del Estado De Durango)

Juarez University Of Durango State (Universidad Juarez Del Estado De Durango)

Juarez University Of Durango State  (Universidad Juarez Del Estado De Durango)


The U.J.E.D., for the fulfillment of its institutional purposes, seeks the improvement of the academy, setting its interest in the search for excellence and combining efforts in the post of this ideal.

Scientific and technological research should be strengthened at the University and should be considered a priority in the sense of its significance as an element of independence and sovereignty for the country.

The regional and national culture has absolute support from the university for its permanent dissemination, in the same way, the intellectual and artistic development of Durango has it, attending to the national principles and moral values ​​that every culture must respect.


  • Durango

    Calle Constitución,404, 34100, Durango
