The Isuru , which trains urban planners since 1947, organizes since 2012 a Master in Urban Planning and Territorial Planning (120 ects).
This training is intended for holders of a higher education diploma (transition diploma, master) and professionals (continuing education).
The Isuru welcomes students from all disciplines (landscaping, sociology, architecture, environment, social and economic sciences, plastic arts, law, etc.).
The faculty consists of practitioners and teachers active in university and higher education, all networks combined.
The master is spread over three years, with courses given in the evening from 18h to 21h, which allows the exercise of a professional activity or the continuation of other studies in parallel.
The Higher Institute of Urban Planning and Renovation is a social promotion institution that is part of the Saint-Luc institutes in Brussels and organizes a Master's degree in urban planning. The Isuru was founded in 1947 by Henri Gillis, engineer-architect and Gaston Bardet, urban planner, in the context of reconstruction. These founders had the profession of urban planner and his teaching a humanist approach, multidisciplinary and rooted in the practice that is still today the foundation of values of the institute.
Isuru collaborates with other institutes of urban planning in Belgium (UCL, ULB) and abroad including the Institute of planning and urban planning of the University of Lille 2.
Isuru actively participates in training networks in urban planning: APERAU (Association for the Promotion of Education and Research in Planning and Urban Planning) and AESOP (Association of European Schools of Planning).
Isuru also maintains close ties with the professional environment in order to be in line with the expectations of the profession. As such, the Isuru participates in the brainstorming sessions of the Chamber of Urban Planners of Belgium, the European Council of Town Planners and ALUMNISU, the association which brings together its "alumni" (alumni, Isuru @
- Saint-Gilles
Rue d'Irlande, 57, 1060, Saint-Gilles