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The South American Institute for Research and Development - ISPED is a Brazilian company, headquartered in São Paulo / SP represented in several cities of the country through partnerships with preparatory courses and other companies in the educational sector.

The institution seeks more flexible access to educational and professional experiences in other countries, as well as support from the first contact to the issuance and validation of the peerage.

Transforming students into skilled professionals in our country is the main objective of ISPED that seeks to keep informed about the global marketplace, especially through new opportunities that the institutions of South America provide.

The courses offered seek to meet the requirements of countries of origin, the Brazilian standards and especially the expectations of our students.


Offer culture and professional development, as well as international experience provided by renowned institutions.


Increase the supply of courses and be recognized as a modern and globalized company in the world.


Integrity, Respect and opportunities to the labor market and those who come to us for the purpose of improvement and innovative experiences; Responsible and Sustainable active in parallel to an international agreement which has economic growth as the main objective; Innovative Management with Open to new members and certain professional and defined purposes; Ambitious and Company caters to students, partners and insured so that all have growth as a goal to be achieved; Credit the relationship between professionals as necessary premise for creating networking and advanced development of our country.

About the Universidad Autónoma de Asunción

UAA - Universidad Autónoma de Asunción originated in 1978 through the creation of the School of Business Administration (ESAE), with the initial objective of training human resources for existing businesses in Paraguay.

With the passing of time and thanks to the image of seriousness and demand transmitted by UAA to obtain a quality education and affordable to its population, ESAE expanded its physical and academic infrastructure, increasing its offer courses to other areas such as in Social Sciences, Law, Humanities, Policy, Health and Technology.

From the year 1991 the Bank through Decree No. 11615 of the Ministry of his country of Education was converted to university, further expanding its list of existing courses also going to provide its students Postgraduate Lato Sensu courses and Stricto sensu.

Currently, the UAA has more than 125 agreements worldwide, being the only country recognized in the USA by ACBSP - Accreditation Council for Business Schools & Programs. In addition to this recognition, the UAA also has great international prestige, being considered in 2015 by the QS TOP UNIVERSITIES one of the top 3 universities in Paraguay and listed among the most suitable in Latin America.

To accomplish all this responsibility, UAA's mission is to continue offering a quality service, with adequate physical resources expressly university education and specialized human resources in their respective activities, thus maintaining its recognition of better educational infrastructure of Paraguay.

About the University of Morón

UM is a private institution that since 1960 is dedicated to teaching in the academic field. Currently, it has 26,000 square meters of educational infrastructure, 6,000 m² for laboratories and modern your library facilities.

For their classrooms have passed more than 50,000 graduates from one of the 10 existing faculties, including the Faculty of Medicine.

Professionals working in the institution are selected carefully according to their track record and experience, so that quality education and respect prevail over all existing careers at the University.

The University stands out for the big picture that remains in its current management. An institution with broad disciplinary diversity and authentic democratic spirit that is characterized within a different concept from other private universities in Argentina, which provides a modern view according to the needs and demands of their community and society, as well as its expansion in the international education scene.

School of Medicine

Its objectives are focused on vocational training in the field of science and art of medicine, which aims to understand the structure of the human being, health promotion, prevention and cure of diseases.

The School of Medicine uses for the consummation of its purpose, a solid scientific, technical and humanistic, with the presence of the principal investigators, a highly qualified faculty and laboratories equipped with the latest technology in the world.

The institution is considered one of the world's best medical universities, as its Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Domingo Liotta, is recognized worldwide as the creator of the artificial heart. Moreover, it is important to note that A has the highest rate of approvals for residency tests in Argentina, with numbers higher than 70% of its graduates.

Currently the ONE is responsible for the health of four million inhabitants, through visits made by his students, therefore, the institution with the greatest social responsibility of the country in regard to public health.

With these assets, ensures encourage future doctors and other professionals to acquire and build knowledge to strengthen the theoretical foundations necessary for the practice of reputable medicine and the spirit of inquiry.

About the National University of Cordoba

The UNC - National University of Cordoba began his career in Argentina in the mid-seventeenth century when started its activities under the name Colegio Máximo, where his students, who in majority were religious city of Cordoba, received philosophy and theology classes .

It is precisely through the birth of UNC that Argentina began its history in education. Through this institution, which for over 400 years provides its educational services, the entire city of Cordoba can evolve and see, from this institution, alumni turn presidents.

Currently, UNC is the oldest institution of Argentina and way more than 110,000 students from different locations through the 250 undergraduate and graduate programs offered and recognized worldwide. Every year, more than 1,500 research projects linked directly to her, as well as 13 colleges, 100 research centers, 25 libraries and 16 museums.

law School

The Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, UNC is the oldest part of the city, next to the first building of the University, the Colegio Nacional de Monserrat and also the other buildings of the time.

  • São Paulo

    Rua Madre de Deus, 499 – 1°andar Mooca – São Paulo/SP – CEP 03119-000, , São Paulo

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