As a private university, the ISM is financed exclusively through tuition fees. These fees are used to continually improve the quality of teaching or to invest in services and school equipment. We have scholarship programs that are open to all of our students and offer a variety of forms of support. It is also possible to apply for external scholarships at any time. We have also listed all other common options for financing your studies on the Student Financing page.
International School of Management (ISM)
The International School of Management (ISM) is one of the leading private business schools in Germany and currently the only AACSB-accredited private German university of applied sciences. The ISM, founded in 1990, has seven locations in Dortmund, Frankfurt am Main, Munich, Hamburg, Cologne, Stuttgart and Berlin and is home to over 3,850 students. Internationality, strong practical relevance and a personal learning atmosphere are also part of it. ISM's success story as a means of imparting professional skills and intensive training in soft skills. This not only includes exciting practical projects, case studies and internships, but also close exchanges with lecturers from the business world. These success factors are reflected in all ISM Bachelor, Master and MBA programs.
About the International School of Management (ISM)
The International School of Management (ISM) is one of the leading private business schools in Germany and currently the only AACSB-accredited private German university of applied sciences. The ISM, founded in 1990, has seven locations in Dortmund, Frankfurt am Main, Munich, Hamburg, Cologne, Stuttgart and Berlin and is home to over 3,850 students.
Internationality, strong practical relevance, and a personal learning atmosphere are just as much a part of ISM's success story as the imparting of professional skills and the intensive training of soft skills Skills. This not only includes exciting practical projects, case studies, internships, and a mandatory semester abroad, but also close exchange with lecturers from the business world.
The most important criteria for new students, such as B. a semester abroad, the quality of teaching, career opportunities, partner universities, or networking, shape your development and are therefore an integral part of ISM. These success factors are reflected in all ISM Bachelor, Master, and MBA programs as well as in our top positions in national and international rankings.
Why Choose the lSM
- High-quality education and AACSB-accredited: first-class teaching, first-class and permanent state accreditation (FIBAA) as well as AACSB-accredited. More than 30 years of pedagogical competence
- Practical teaching: Lecturers from business
- Personal teaching atmosphere: studying in small learning groups with a focus on interdisciplinary, practice-oriented case studies
- Strong internationality: Students from 84 nationalities. A quota of 30% of international students
- Globally networked: A network of around 190 partner universities to choose from for your semester abroad
- High employability rate: Over 61% of our full-time bachelor's and 90% of our master's graduates were able to secure a job during their studies
- Flexible and competitive: Double degree options for your master's degree
- Seven locations in most major German cities: Dortmund, Frankfurt am Main, Munich, Hamburg, Cologne, Stuttgart and Berlin
- Discounts on tuition fees and multiple payment or financing options.
Why studying at ISM is the perfect choice
Very International
- Students of 84 different nationalities
- Around 195 renowned partner universities for compulsory exchange semesters abroad;
- Chance to gain valuable experience during a stay abroad;
- Intensive language training (English, German, French, Spanish).
- We prepare you optimally for a global business career.
- Committed university lecturers from the corporate and economic world
- Practical learning content and projects (case studies) with well-known companies
- Ideal support from the ISM Career Center
- Best possible preparation for the start of your professional life
- Opportunity for professional development through national and international internships.
Personal and Individual
- Small learning groups & a personal learning atmosphere
- Individual support for each student
- Supervision ratioUniversity lecturers/students 1:7
- 100% open door policy.
A Strong Network
- From day one you are part of the extended ISM community
- Make practical contacts at ISM events
- Stay in touch after you graduate via the ISM Alumni Network.
30 Years of Pedagogical Competence, AACSB-accredited and Officially Recognized Indefinitely
AACSB-Accredited and Officially Recognized
The university is permanently accredited by the state and all degree programs bear the seal of quality of the Accreditation Council and FIBAA.
ISM has been recognized at the highest level by the AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) and is currently the only private German university of applied sciences currently holding the AACSB accreditation. The AACSB accreditation is an important seal of quality which certifies excellence in research and teaching.
The quality of the training is confirmed by human resources managers, ISM students, and alumni, and the presence in numerous rankings in which the ISM has consistently held top positions for many years in areas such as internationality, student mobility, international scientific staff, contact with professional practice, specialist publications, foreign-language bachelor's and master's degree programs, etc.
International students:
0Student to faculty ratio:
7 to 1
The ISM locations are located in seven of Germany's cultural and economic centers and, in addition to a strong economy, offer you a wide range of sports, culture and leisure activities. Studying in Germany opens up attractive opportunities to visit Germany and find out more about the country, culture and people.
Here you will find a few tips and tricks for your studies in Germany at each campus. If you have any questions, the ISM study advisors will be happy to help you.
Study in the economic metropolis of Munich
The Munich campus has been located in Karlshofen since 2009 – just a few minutes' walk from Königsplatz and easily accessible from the main train station. The approximately 750 students studying there particularly appreciate the contrasts that make the Bavarian capital so special: cosmopolitan young people and traditions, big city atmosphere and rural charm.
Munich's most important economic sectors are tourism, vehicle and mechanical engineering, electrical engineering as well as the software and IT industry. The city is also an important German media location.
Study in the German capital
In September 2019, the ISM opened a campus in Berlin. The campus is located in the heart of Berlin Schöneberg and combines culture, cosmopolitanism and innovation. As the capital of Germany, Berlin is an important international economic metropolis and political center. The city is therefore an attractive location for companies from all sectors.
Study in the heart of the Ruhr area
The campus of the private university in Dortmund was founded in 1990 and is the largest location of the ISM with around 930 students. It is located in the middle of the technology park, just 15 minutes from the city center. In recent years, Dortmund has developed from a former mining town into a modern technology location. As the largest city in Westphalia and the Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan region, Dortmund is one of the most dynamic new economic cities in Germany.
Studying in the port city
The Hamburg campus opened in September 2010. Around 560 students are currently studying at the private University of Hamburg in two modern buildings in Hafen City. The city center and the main train station are only about ten minutes away. Whether as a cosmopolitan metropolis or a rough but charming Hanseatic city with charm - Hamburg combines many facets. It is the cultural and economic center of northern Germany. Hamburg's economic structure is characterized by the service sector, in which around three quarters of all employees are employed.
Frankfurt am Main
Study between skyscrapers and old town
The Frankfurt/Main campus was founded in 2007 and is located in the Sachsenhausen district, directly at the Südbahnhof and just two subway stops from the city center. There are currently around 910 students enrolled at the Frankfurt private university. Frankfurt is the city with the highest job density in Germany and a major European financial and service center. In addition, Frankfurt am Main has other important sectors such as the creative industries, IT and telecommunications, biotechnology and life sciences, logistics and industry.
Study in the cathedral city
Since 2014, the ISM has also had a campus in Cologne. Around 350 students are currently studying on the Cologne University of Applied Sciences campus in the MediaPark, just a few minutes' walk from the Hansaring S-Bahn station. The Rhine metropolis is one of the most important business locations in Germany and impresses with its convenient location and a mix of industries.
The region has a long tradition as a trade and industrial center. In recent decades, the Cologne region has also been able to expand its position as a service and logistics location. Cologne is also known as an innovative media city.
Study at Stuttgart as a business location
Since 2016, the ISM has also been based in the economic metropolis of Stuttgart. The campus of the private University of Stuttgart, which currently has around 220 students, is located within walking distance of the city center in the Heusteig district. Located in the heart of Europe, Stuttgart is the center of one of the strongest economic regions and most innovative high-tech locations in Europe. The city offers excellent economic prospects — for example, as the metropolitan region with the strongest exports in Germany.
Study in the Heart of the Ruhrgebiet
The campus of the private university in Dortmund was founded in 1990 and, with around 930 students, is the largest of the ISM’s locations. It is located in the middle of the technology park only 15 minutes from the city center. In recent years, Dortmund has developed from a former coal and steel city to a modern technology location. As the largest city in Westphalia and the Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan region, Dortmund is one of the most dynamic new economic cities in Germany.
Study between Skyscrapers and Old Town
The Campus Frankfurt/Main was founded in 2007 and is located in the district of Sachsenhausen, directly at the South Railway Station and only two underground stations away from the city center. Around 910 students are currently enrolled at the private university in Frankfurt. Frankfurt is the city with the highest density of jobs in Germany and a major European financial and service center.
Frankfurt/Main also has other important sectors such as creative industries, IT and telecommunications, biotechnology and life sciences, logistics, and industry.
Study in the Economic Metropolis Munich
The Munich Campus has been located in the Karlshöfen since 2009 - just a few minutes' walk from Königsplatz and easily accessible from the main train station. The roughly 750 students studying there particularly appreciate the contrasts that make the Bavarian capital so special - cosmopolitan young people and traditions, big-city atmosphere, and rural charm.
The most important economic sectors in Munich are tourism, vehicle, and mechanical engineering, electrical engineering as well as the software and IT industry. In addition, the city is an important German media location.
Study in the Harbor City
The Hamburg campus was opened in September 2010. Around 560 students currently study at the private University of Hamburg in two modern buildings in HafenCity. The city center and the main train station are only about ten minutes away. Whether as a cosmopolitan metropolis or a raw but charming Hanseatic city with charm - Hamburg combines many facets. It forms the cultural and economic center of Northern Germany. Hamburg's economic structure is characterized by the service sector, which employs around three-quarters of all workers.
Study in the City of the Cathedral
Since 2014, the ISM has also been represented by a campus in Cologne. Currently, around 350 students are studying at the campus of the Cologne University of Applied Sciences in the MediaPark, just a few minutes' walk from the Hansaring S-Bahn station. The Rhine metropolis is one of the most important business locations in Germany and impresses with its convenient location and a mix of different industries.
The region has a long tradition as a center of trade and industry. In recent decades, the Cologne region has also been able to expand its position as a service and logistics center. Cologne is also well known for being an innovative media city.
Study at the Business Location Stuttgart
Since 2016, ISM has also had a base in the economic metropolis of Stuttgart. The campus of the private University of Stuttgart with currently around 220 students is located within walking distance of the city center in the Heusteig quarter. Located in the heart of Europe, Stuttgart is the center of one of the strongest economic regions and most innovative high-tech locations in Europe. The city offers excellent economic perspectives - for example, as the most export-rich metropolitan region in Germany.
Study in the Capital City Berlin
On September 2019 the ISM established a campus in Berlin. The campus is located in the heart of Berlin Schöneberg and combines culture, cosmopolitanism, and innovation. As the capital of Germany, Berlin is an important international business metropolis and political center. Therefore, the city is an attractive location for companies from all sectors.
After their graduation, our students make their way to top employers worldwide. In one of our most recent surveys, we once again confirmed, that 9 out of 10 graduates find their first job after finishing their degree in under 6 months. Also, over 40 percent of our full-time Bachelor graduates already found a job during their studies.
Sounds good, doesn't it?That is just one of the many reasons why over 90% of our students recommend studying at ISM.
30 Years of High-level Educational Expertise
Permanently accredited and state-recognized
AACSB Accreditation
The International School of Management is AACSB accredited, being currently the only German private university of applied sciences with this worldwide accreditation at the highest level.
The AACSB accreditation which is an important seal of quality which certifies excellence in research and teaching. The key requirements fulfilled by ISM for receiving the renowned AACSB accreditation are: highest quality in teaching, committed lecturers also in applied research who proactively support students, successful cooperation with companies and international universities as well as very good career entry opportunities.
CHE Rankings
The ISM has once again received excellent marks from its students in the CHE ranking. In the most important categories, ISM is one of the top groups: advice and support at the beginning of your studies, degrees in a reasonable time, and professional practice. The ISM shows that it has succeeded in expanding the high standards at all seven locations in Germany.
The ISM impresses in the current U-Multirank study and scores particularly well in the following areas:
- International wealth of experience
- Student mobility
- Specialist literature
The ranking therefore confirms above all the consistent mix of internationality and practical relevance at the ISM.
Universe Student Study
In the student survey, ISM received particularly good marks for:
- variety of career opportunities
- close contacts to business
- many opportunities to study abroad and do internships
Our ISM students feel very well prepared for the job market and appreciate getting to know potential employers during their studies.
MBA University Ranking
The ISM is convincing - as one of only five German business schools - with quality teaching and practical relevance. The Master of Business Administration at the ISM locations in Dortmund and Munich can compare itself with international providers. Unique to ISM are the integrated modules abroad and the professional coaching of students.
In this year's MBA ranking, CEO Magazine lists ISM in the top group of global MBA providers for the first time. The ISM is recognized above all for the fact that it has excellently qualified teachers who also have many years of practical experience in good positions. The international composition of the study groups is also highlighted.
Universe CareerTest 2023
Over 1 million participants took part in the survey, making this the world's largest talent survey. As part of the survey, the wishes of talents were analyzed to find out how they correspond to the perception of the ISM itself. Valuable findings from this survey include:
- ISM career types: Globe-Trotters and Ground-Breakers
- formative experiences through internships and studying abroad
- TOP influences on the choice of university: university website – Information events — University ranking
- TOP attributes of ISM: Opportunities to study abroad – friendly & open environment — attractive location
- TOP attributes regarding employability: starting point for an international career – Ways to interact with employers – good relationships with employers
- TOP offers from the Career Service: Career advice – Job portal — Resume writing training
Ranking of Trendence University
The ISM achieves numerous good ratings in the categories and is one of the ten best universities in Germany:
- Practical relevance,
- Internationality,
- Career opportunities and service
In the following categories, ISM is ranked as the best private university of applied sciences with a business focus:
- Lecturer quality,
- Jobs and digital learning,
- Career opportunities and
- Service and advice.
About the Trendence University ranking
13,600 students are surveyed for the Trendence University ranking. In addition to the quality of teaching, the focus of the barometer is also on internationality, practical relevance, and student advice.
The ISM is:
- students of 84 nationalities
- 30% international students
- integrated semester abroad
- international lecturers & over 56 guest lecturers
- around 190 renowned partner universities
- small study groups & a personal atmosphere
- 1:7 ratio of university lecturers: students
- from day 1 you become part of the ISM family & network
- individual support for your self-development
- over 30 years of educational competence
- unlimited state accreditation and top rankings
- over 40% of bachelor graduates find a job during their studies
- we facilitate student's entry into professional life
- regular ISM alumni events to expand your professional network
One of the best private German universities
CHE Ranking
All ISM study programs bear the seal of quality of the Accreditation Council.
Accreditation Council
All ISM presence study programs bear the FIBAA seal of quality.
Excellent results in the global Multirank
ISM StudyPlus
- Language Courses: French, Spanish, Italian, German
- Hands-on Skills
Sport & Health
- Barmer Health Coach
- Cooperation with Fitness Studios
Digital Package
- Office 365
- Learning Tutorials
Advanced Training
- University Certificates
- Business Coach Training at Kienbaum Institute@ISM

- Dortmund
Otto-Hahn-Straße 19, , Dortmund
- Frankfurt
Mörfelder Landstraße 55, , Frankfurt
- Munich
Karlstraße 35, , Munich
- Hamburg
Brooktorkai 22, , Hamburg
- Cologne
Im MediaPark 5c, , Cologne
- Stuttgart
Maybachstraße 20, , Stuttgart
- Berlin
International School of Management Hauptstraße 27 (Staircase E), 10827, Berlin