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ISCSP - Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas


The ISCSP promotes the formation of their students in the areas of Social and Political Sciences, offering graduate education (degree) and postgraduate, second and third level, corresponding to the degrees of Master and PhD.

The ISCSP promotes the formation of their students in the areas of Social and Political Sciences, offering graduate education (degree) and postgraduate, second and third level, corresponding to the degrees of Master and Ph.D. In teaching, the matrix includes the scientific fields of Sociology, Public Administration and Public Policy, Political Science, International Relations, Social Policy, Anthropology, and Social Communication. Closely with teaching, ISCSP promotes scientific research through its research centers recognized by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) - Centre for Administration and Public Policies (CAPP) and the Eastern Institute (IO) and other centers in the area of Political Science and International Relations, Sociology and Anthropology. The ISCSP develops a community service provision policy, contributing to the social and economic development of the country and the upgrading of skills and the organization of the economic fabric, and civil society as well as strengthening the functional and organizational conditions public sector. Internationally there is the participation in projects in the Portuguese-speaking world and in emerging areas of geostrategic role.

  • Lisbon

    Rua Almerindo Lessa - 1300-663 , , Lisbon

    ISCSP - Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas