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Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto



The ISCAP with the name we know it today - the Institute of Accounting and Administration of Porto, stems from the Decree-Law No. 327/76, of 6 May, although its historical roots are much more distant. Indeed, it was in 1886 that the Industrial and Commercial Institute of Porto was founded (Decree of 30 December 1886), the then Minister Emidio Navarro that lays the theoretical foundations of the organization of industrial and commercial education in our country.

In 1891, the technical education reforms of John Franco remained unchanged industrial and commercial sections of this Institute, not turning them into independent schools. The basic courses of trade were removed and the upper reaches is reduced to three years and divided into two degrees. The Industrial and Commercial Institute of Porto see, in 1896, being recognized its Colleges, equivalent to those of other schools: the former Superior of Commerce degree (created by Decree of 30 December 1886) and the Higher Course taught in Industrial Institutes and Commercial. The Industrial and Commercial Institute of Porto went through a troubled path, the lack of definitive guidance, until 1918, the date of publication of Decree No. 5029, of December 1, which separated its commercial part, deploying it in a Commercial Institute Port and a Higher Institute of Trade Port. This date gives the first time the separation of Commercial Institutes in relation to the Industrial Institutes, a situation that continued until 1924. This segmentation is however temporary, as quickly merge these new areas of knowledge and only in 1933 it opts for a final segmentation. The then dubbed the Commercial Institute of Porto is known at the time for holding the highest level of market studies of the northern capital and also for being an average technical educational establishment for the ambience of higher education in various aspects of their academic life.

The reform operated by Decree-Law No. 38031, of 4 November 1950, in no way alters the characteristics of this educational establishment. On the contrary, the 1974 political climate comes operate profound changes in the life of the Institute, because at the time, grow in importance the markedly technical courses.

In this new context, the country's progress demanded the good performance of senior staff, which at the time became scarce. Thus, the ISCAP, is recognized as one of the schools that, over the centuries, formed generations of professionals and is inserted in the higher education institutions. This event enables graduates by Commercial Institutes receive the designation of graduates, a degree that "is very qualified for admission to training for teacher of the 6th group of professional technical education". This legislation is a precursor of what will later integrate commercial institutes in higher education network - Decree-Law No. 327/76 of 6 May. Thus is born the current designation of Supreme Accounting and Administration Institutes, with the status of "higher education, with legal personality and administrative and educational autonomy," empowered to confer "the degrees of bachelor, graduate and doctorate." In the academic year 1975/76, the Institute of Accounting and Administration of Porto passes the minister, under Decree-Law No. 313/75, the Bachelor courses of Accounting and Administration and Languages ​​and Secretariat. These courses were subsequently regulated by Decree No. 918/83 of 7 October and sofrearam successive adjustments according to the evolution of economic and accounting sciences and the requirements of the labor market.

The Institute lives, however, a turbulent period after the date 1976, due to the existing uncertainty in the country. Institutes, empowered to confer the degrees of Bachelor, Degree and Doctorate, they should be integrated in University Education, but later legal provisions sought their environment in Polytechnic. This vagueness context only ended with the identification of schools / higher institutes that resulted from the conversion or evolution of previous schools and the integration of the Institute of Accounting and Administration of Porto at the Polytechnic Institute of Porto in 1988, by Decree-Law No o 70/88 of 3 March. This new legal framework from the fact that the institutes aim for higher education of qualified technicians in the fields of Accounting and Administration and promote, in a geographical context, the exchange between education and economic and social structures. They were also found similarities between the objectives of the Polytechnic and the Institutes of Accounting and Administration, which has strengthened this new framework.

Decree-Law No. 443/85 of 24 October, establishes the organic structure of the Higher Institutes of Accounting and Administration also states that its teaching staff pass to be governed by Decree-Law No. 185/81, of July 1st, who created the career Polytechnic. However, they were also created the Bachelor courses and Specialized Higher Studies, degrees that of the Education Act expressly qualifies as own the Polytechnic. In 1983 comes the Customs Bachelor's degree (Ordinance no. 918/83 of October 07), this suffering also amended (Ordinance no. 238/86 of 22 May). From the 1993/94 academic year, adopting the designation of Trade of Higher Studies, succeeding this to the Customs Degree. The Marketing Bachelor Course is opened in the academic year 1996/97 to allow "fill a gap, since its objective study seeks to eliminate an aggravated lack the technical needs higher in the services sector due to the competitiveness of enterprises, primarily as a result of the integration of Portugal in the European Union ". Ordinance No. 751/86, of 17 December, also created the courses of Specialized Higher Studies (EESC's) - Audit, Financial Control, Secretariat for Management and Administration and Technical Customs, which also conferred the degree of Bachelor from which form a coherent whole with a previous Bachelor course. This translated to, in practical terms, to grant a "license equivalent to Bachelor for all academic and professional purposes." In 1991, it created the Committee on Accounting and Administration followed by Specialized Translation, the latter in 1995.

At the end of the academic year 1997/98, the ISCAP placed in the labor market enabled students with the Committee "s Auditing, Financial Management, Accounting and Business Administration, Management Advisor, International Trade (International Management branches and Customs Administration) and Specialized translation. Because of the carried out redesign, the ISCAP passes to teach, since 1998, the BA Accounting and Administration (branches Accounting and Administration, Financial Management and Audit), International Business, Languages ​​and Secretariat (branch Secretariat Management and Translation specialized) and Marketing. In the academic year 2001/2002 also would be given the branch of Public Administration.

Now new facilities, officially opened in 1996, receives ISCAP the end of this decade the Master of Accounting and Administration, organized by the University of Minho, and in partnership with the Polytechnic Institute of Porto. Although opened in 1996, the move to the new building takes place a year earlier in November.

In the academic year 2003/2004 the Translation Branch Specialized would be called Translation and Interpretation Specialized, change approved by Order No. 602/2003 of 21 July. In 2004/2005 is created the course of Corporate Communication Degree also in two phases in the 1st attributed cycle, likewise, the Bachelor's degree (6 semesters) and the 2nd, the degree of Bachelor (2 semesters) approved by Order No. 161/2006 of 20 February. It is thus distinguished from the previous by the fact that a total duration of only four. However, this plan only prevail in this academic year and was currently suitable to the agreement of Bologna, which led to the establishment of the degree in just three years. Is still awaited approval for the operation of their Master, the same name, whose scheduled duration is 4 semesters. In the academic year 2005/2006 also the course of Languages ​​and Secretariat was adequate to the Bologna Agreement by adopting the name "Management Assistants" and going, so to have a duration of only 6 semesters. It was further proposed the operation of three Masters: Assisted Translation Computer (scientific field of foreign languages ​​and literatures); Specialized Translation and Interpretation (scientific field of foreign languages ​​and literatures) and management consultants (scientific area of ​​management sciences).

In the academic year 2007/2008 came into operation the Accounting and Administration courses, International Trade and Marketing appropriate to the Bologna Agreement. These degrees now have six semesters. their master's degrees were also proposed but are still awaiting approval of the International Trade and Marketing.

  • Porto

    R. Jaime Lopes Amorim 4465-004 S. Mamede de Infesta , , Porto

    Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto