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IRIS Sup' BAC+5 Géoéconomie, gestion des risques et responsabilité de l'entreprise

BAC+5 Géoéconomie, gestion des risques et responsabilité de l'entreprise

Paris, France

1 Years


Full time

13 May 2024

Sep 2024

EUR 8,700 / per year *

Blended, Distance Learning

* €8,300 in person; €6,300 remotely



Le titre “Analyste en stratégie internationale” vise à développer ses capacités d’analyse, d’action et d’aide à la décision dans des environnements internationaux.

Pour valider ce titre 3 parcours sont possibles, correspondant à des spécialités et des univers différents :

  • Défense, sécurité et gestion de crise
  • Géoconomie, gestion des risques et responsabilité de l'entreprise
  • Géopolitique et prospective

The “Geoeconomics, risk management and corporate responsibility” course is provided in partnership with Grenoble Ecole de Management and ADIT, European leader in strategic intelligence. Training also certified by a Joint IRIS/ESC Grenoble Certificate in Geoeconomics and Strategic Intelligence.


Developed in collaboration with ADIT, European leader in strategic intelligence, the Geoeconomics, risk management and corporate responsibility course allows:

  • the training of professionals capable of understanding the international environment of international economic relations beyond just “business” issues, of assessing risks, of anticipating difficulties in order to support their administration or their company and its collaborators in their international activities;
  • the development of capacities to analyze current geoeconomic challenges in order to support their administration or their company and its employees in their activities and their international CSR approach;
  • the acquisition of essential tools and instruments (monitoring, intelligence, security) for decision-making in a changing and complex international context.

Cette formation est également proposée à distance.

Compétences visées et validation du titre ASI

Pour obtenir le titre Analyste en stratégie internationale*, il faut valider 3 blocs de compétences (BC) et les épreuves complémentaires (EC) :

  • BC1 : Organiser et structurer une mission d’analyse stratégique à l’international ;
  • BC2 : Réaliser des études et traitements de données liés à la mission d’analyse stratégique à l’international ;
  • BC3 : Communiquer des résultats et conseiller un client ou une organisation ;
  • EC : Réaliser une expérience professionnelle de 455 h en lien avec ces compétences (obligatoire pour les étudiants en formation initiale et les stagiaires de la formation continue visant une reconversion), et perfectionner son anglais en ligne avec 7Speaking.

Il faut valider impérativement ces 4 blocs de compétences. La validation de la formation peut être totale ou partielle. Les blocs validés le sont définitivement. Les blocs non validés peuvent l'être dès l'année suivante.

*Fiche RNCP 34475 sur le site de France compétences.

Nature of the tests

In person:
The evaluation of the acquisition of the targeted skills takes very varied forms: written and oral tests, individual (including a dissertation) or collective, carried out at school or at home, simulations, professional scenarios, related professional experience with the targeted skills of at least 3
months full-time.

Individual written tests (including a dissertation) or collective (reports) and oral tests (report presentation, professional situation).

Prérequis et publics visés

La formation à distance concerne en priorité :

  • les salariés qui ne peuvent se libérer 2 jours par semaine pour suivre les cours ;
  • les salariés français ou étrangers résidant à l’étranger ;
  • les étudiants inscrits dans un cursus incompatible avec une autre formation en présentiel à Paris.

Le titre Analyste en stratégie internationale se prépare en deux ans après un diplôme de niveau bac+3, il est possible d’accéder directement en 2e année avec un bac+4.

Les prérequis communs :

  • Le niveau académique : diplôme de niveau bac+4 minimum (master en droit, relations internationales, science politique, économie et gestion, management, langues… ; diplômes d’ESC, d’IEP, d’IAE). Les candidats qui n’ont pas le niveau de diplôme académique requis, mais peuvent justifier d’une expérience professionnelle d’au moins 3 ans, peuvent demander à bénéficier d’une VAPP (validation des acquis professionnels et personnels). L’entretien de recrutement permet d’évaluer le niveau d’entrée dans le cursus.
  • Un bon niveau en français et anglais (B2 à C2), une langue rare est un plus.
  • La maturité : envie de se professionnaliser, capacité d’analyse, d’initiative.
  • Une orientation internationale : expérience de vie à l’étranger, intérêt avéré pour l’actualité internationale, pour les langues.
  • L’existence d’un projet professionnel cohérent et orienté à l’international est impérative.

Les prérequis spécifiques :

En présentiel :

  • Be interested in geopolitics
  • Know the basic concepts in macroeconomics (GDP, trade balance, balance of payments, etc.). A book will be recommended and a quiz carried out to enable you to tackle certain courses.
  • Enjoy working in a group.

À distance :

  • Be interested in geopolitics
  • Know the basic concepts in macroeconomics (GDP, trade balance, balance of payments, etc.). A book will be recommended;
  • Be able to work independently;
    and in a remote group;
  • Be available on average 2 to 3 days per week;
  • Be comfortable with computers;

Déroulement de la formation

In person:
The face-to-face training takes place in the premises of the IRIS association, located at 2 bis, rue Mercoeur in Paris 11th. It begins at the end of September 2024 and ends with the dissertation defenses at the end of September 2025. Classes take place two days a week, from the end of September to the end of May. The experience
professional (internship or work-study) can be carried out part-time from October to the end of May and/or full-time from June.

From a distance :
The training takes place remotely and includes a mandatory face-to-face session in Paris. It begins with a week of compulsory integration allowing you to get to know your peers and become familiar with the rules and tools. A Junior Consultant Project (PCJ) is carried out as a group over the year (see page 22).
Remote assessments: 2 assignments (individual and group) per month from November 2024 to May 2025. Dissertation submitted before September 1, 2025. Defense before September 26, 2025.
Face-to-face assessments (mandatory) in Paris from June 10 to 13, 2025 and meeting time with peers and the IRIS team.
Catch-ups take place from July 21 to 25, 2025 remotely. Catch-ups take place from July 21 to 25, 2025 remotely. People who were unable to come to Paris in June will have to attend in person.

Méthodes pédagogiques

In person:
Theoretical contributions to understand the balance of power between the actors of the global economy (geoeconomics constitutes an original approach to geopolitics, integrating beyond just States, businesses, NGOs, markets and consumers). Practice throughout the year, as part of a junior consultant project (PCJ). Based on real cases, these projects are an opportunity to carry out an opportunity and feasibility study of an international project carried out by a company, an NGO, chosen by the students. The originality of this support lies in the Responsibility dimension
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at the heart of the learning and risk management approach that all international organizations may face.


• Study of the valorization of recycled carbon fiber in Morocco • Establishment of a
risk assessment methodology in Asia • Implementation feasibility study
of a company in Spain • Feasibility study on the establishment of a training factory in Ivory Coast • Study on the establishment of a yacht rental company in Indonesia • Support of a French engineering company in its development in the United States.

From a distance :
Synchronous sessions. Virtual classes allowing direct exchange with the speaker and the organization of exercises: 87 hours. Sessions of 1.5 hours on average, Wednesday and/or Thursday between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m.
Class life sessions at least: 3x45min.
Asynchronous learning leaving great freedom of organization: 13 courses in the form of manuscripts (approximately 7 hours per manuscript) + course materials in the form of videos, podcasts, documents
complementary (48 hours) and methodological guides. Access from December/January to the 7Speaking online platform in order to carry out activities in English and progress throughout the year
and take the TOEIC blank.
Tools: all resources are available on the Moodle platform. Virtual classes take place by videoconference.


At the end of this course, our students have acquired solid knowledge and skills which allow them to apply for various positions (consulting, strategic monitoring, risk assessment, strategic management, international negotiation), within large multinationals, small or medium-sized businesses, NGOs, administrations, international organizations.

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About the School
