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International University of Catalonia Master's Degree in Health Emergencies
International University of Catalonia

Master's Degree in Health Emergencies

1 Years

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EUR 9,434



Master's Degree in Health Emergencies

Thanks to the new Master’s Degree in Urgent and Emergency Care at UIC Barcelona, you will have the opportunity to specialise in the care of patients who are admitted to hospital through the emergency services and enhance your knowledge of how to handle emergency situations both in and outside hospital settings. This is an on-site course, with a teaching staff made up of expert professionals from the field of urgent and emergency care, which will be taught using up to date healthcare training methods grounded in hands-on experience. At the end of the course, the students will be required to provide evidence of their knowledge with a Final Master’s Degree Project. In addition to enhancing and broadening the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to provide urgent care, with this master’s degree, the students will not only earn an official qualification valid throughout the European Higher Education Area, they will also earn other specific certificates. These include a certificate in Advanced Life Support and a certificate in Advanced Trauma Life Support, issued by the Catalan Resuscitation Council and the European Resuscitation Council; and a certificate in Mass Casualty Incident Command, issued by TASSICA Emergency, Training & Research The University Master’s Degree in Urgent and Emergency Care is co-managed by TASSICA Emergency, Training & Research, one of the world’s top research and education centres, which specialises in the application of new technologies in both fields.

Program Tuition Fee

Program Admission Requirements

Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.

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About the School
