Máster Universitario en Bioética Clínica
2 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
Oct 2025
EUR 5,100 *
Blended, Distance Learning
* semipresencial | 4.140 euros online
Scholarships and Funding
¿Quiénes son los destinatarios?
Los alumnos del Instituto Universitario Ortega-Marañón matriculados en los Másteres oficiales del mismo podrán solicitar una beca del Programa Excelencia de la Fundación José Ortega y Gasset – Gregorio Marañón. Estas becas cubrirán un 30% del precio de matrícula, excluida las tasas que se abonan a la Universidad de referencia del Máster.
¿Qué necesito presentar y dónde?
Los interesados deberán entregar en la secretaría del Instituto una instancia de solicitud al formalizar la matrícula junto con el pago de la reserva de plaza y dirigirla a la secretaría del Instituto no más tarde del 18 de octubre de 2024. En la que se haga constar:
- Datos personales
- El Máster en el que está matriculado
- La documentación que aporta
- Las becas que haya solicitado o tenga intención de solicitar en cualquier convocatoria pública o privada
The criteria for granting the scholarships are:
- academic record (70%)
- personal or family situation (10%)
- residence outside Madrid in the year prior to registration (10%)
- personal motivation letter (10%)
Students must provide documentation that proves each of these circumstances and may attach two letters of recommendation from teachers. The Institute may request selected candidates to prove the authenticity of the documents they have submitted with originals or certified copies.
¿Cómo discurre el proceso de selección? ¿Es compatible con otras becas o ayudas?
The Academic Committee that grants the scholarships will be made up of the director of the Institute, the general director of the José Ortega y Gasset Foundation – Gregorio Marañón, two people from the academic secretariat and two professors of the Institute appointed at the proposal of the director of the Institute and the CEO. This Commission, according to the reports received, will carry out the evaluation and selection of candidates and will submit to management before December 1 a proposal for granting scholarships for formal communication to the selected candidates.
El Programa de Becas Excelencia de la Fundación José Ortega y Gasset – Gregorio Marañón son ayudas al estudio incompatibles con cualquier otra beca de convocatorias públicas o privadas para los mismos estudios de posgrado. El becario tiene obligación de comunicar al Instituto cualquier otra beca que se le conceda, en un plazo de 10 días desde su concesión.
¿Cómo se aplica y cuándo?
La beca implica la reducción de la matrícula por un importe que se fijará cada curso académico en función del número de estudiantes matriculados. Esta reducción del importe se aplicará al último plazo del pago de la matrícula.
¿Qué se me puede pedir en caso de recibir la beca?
The Institute may request scholarship recipients to carry out activities to support teaching, research and the culture of the institution, which will be accredited to them. These collaborative activities will not imply an employment or commercial relationship with the institution, nor will they be remunerated.
MESCYT scholarships for students from the Dominican Republic
The Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (MESCYT) of the Government of the Dominican Republic, in compliance with policies aimed at national development and the promotion of competitiveness and innovation in the productive and service sectors of the country, convenes a program of scholarships for the training of Dominican citizens to take specialty courses, master's degrees and doctorates.
Becas de la Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo
The UIMP is launching a call for study aid for university Master's degrees (partial tuition payment scholarships), with the aim of promoting participation in its postgraduate studies to enrolled students who have a brilliant academic career.
The Master in Clinical Bioethics is taught in two modalities, distance and blended, and consists of 60 ECTS credits that are taught over two academic years (30 credits each year). It is structured in 6 subjects, including the TFM. 42 credits are mandatory, 4 are optional and 14 credits correspond to the TFM. All subjects are common for students enrolled in one modality or another, except for subjects II and V.
In subject II, the student enrolled in the distance modality has a different percentage than the student enrolled in the blended modality in the training activities and evaluation systems. Likewise, in subject V, the student enrolled in the distance modality takes the subject called “online practical cases”, while the student enrolled in the blended modality takes the subject called “external practices”. All the details are included in the subject guides and are available to the future student.
First year
- Subject I: Fundamentals in clinical ethics (12 mandatory credits).
- Subject 1: introduction to clinical ethics
- Subject 2: work methodology and decision making in clinical ethics
- Subject 3: the clinical relationship
- Subject 4: ethics and professionalism
- Subject II: Advice and consulting in clinical ethics (11 mandatory credits).
- Subject 5: models of ethical advice and consultation. Ethics committees for healthcare
- Subject 6: consulting and mediation in clinical ethics
- Subject III: Research ethics and empirical bioethics (7 compulsory credits).
- Subject 7: research ethics and integrity
- Subject 8: empirical bioethics
Second year
- Subject IV: Advanced clinical ethics (12 mandatory credits).
- Subject 9: information and communication
- Subject 10: the patient at the end of life
- Subject 11: ethical conflicts in special contexts
- Subject V: Practical clinical ethics (4 elective credits).
- Subject 12: external internships
- Subject 13: online practical cases
- Subject VI: Master's Final Project (14 compulsory credits).
- Subject 14: Master's Final Project
Key points to remember
- Type of teaching/Delivery modality: distance and blended attendance
- Duration of the study plan: 2 years.
- Total credits: 60 ECTS credits. During the first year, 30 ECTS credits are taken and another 30 ECTS credits are taken during the second.
Program Outcome
Main goal
Develop specific skills that facilitate the resolution of the most frequent ethical conflicts in clinical practice.
Secondary objectives
- Know the fundamental aspects and problems of clinical ethics, as well as its main areas of application in daily clinical practice.
- Develop the necessary skills to assume the role of ethical consultant/advisor in three modalities: the individual consultant format, the mediator format, and the member of ethics committees for healthcare.
- Develop the necessary attitudes to facilitate decision-making and the issuance of moral judgments, both individually and in groups, and thus optimally resolve the most frequent ethical problems.
Program Tuition Fee
Program delivery
El Instituto Universitario Ortega-Marañón es un centro con gran experiencia en formación de posgrado presencial y online. Su Campus Virtual está diseñado para mantener los valores que promovemos: la calidad académica y la proyección del alumno.
Type of teaching/Delivery modality: Blended and distance learning.
- During the first year, 30 ECTS credits are taken and another 30 during the second.
- The Master's Final Project (TFM) requires 14 ECTS credits
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.