Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal (Polytechnic Institute Of Setubal)
The Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal (IPS) is a public institution of higher education that is part of the polytechnic subsystem. The IPS appears in the scope of the creation in Portugal of the new polytechnic higher education network in 1979, initially integrating the two Schools located in Setúbal; the Escola Superior de Tecnologia (ESTSetúbal) and the Escola Superior de Educação (ESE). Currently, the IPS includes, in addition to these, three more schools: the School of Business Sciences (ESCE), the School of Technology of Barreiro (ESTBarreiro), and the School of Health (ESS). The activities of the five Higher Schools are coordinated by the Central Services. There is also a sixth organizational unit, oriented to support students: the Social Action Services (SAS), responsible for accommodation, food, psychological support, and sports and recreational activities.
The Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal (IPS) is a public institution of higher education that is part of the polytechnic subsystem.
The IPS appears in the scope of the creation in Portugal of the new polytechnic higher education network in 1979, initially integrating the two Schools located in Setúbal; the Escola Superior de Tecnologia (ESTSetúbal) and the Escola Superior de Educação (ESE). Currently, the IPS includes, in addition to these, three more schools: the School of Business Sciences (ESCE), the School of Technology of Barreiro (ESTBarreiro), and the School of Health (ESS). The activities of the five Higher Schools are coordinated by the Central Services. There is also a sixth organizational unit, oriented to support students: the Social Action Services (SAS), responsible for accommodation, food, psychological support, and sports and recreational activities.
As a public institution, IPS has as its main financier the State, through the funds registered in the State Budget, which are complemented with its own revenues from tuition fees, research contracts, and services abroad. The recruitment, selection, and evaluation of teaching staff, and non-teaching technical and administrative staff, are framed by the respective career statutes, as well as by other central regulations designed for all civil servants. In turn, staff recruitment, both in numbers and in categories, is also limited by law and budgetary constraints.
The operation of the IPS is governed by Statutes, published in the Diário da República.
- Setúbal Municipality
Setúbal Municipality, Portugal