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University Of Applied Sciences Ludwigsburg


The University of Applied Sciences Ludwigsburg specialises in the education of management in public administration. The approximately 2500 students of the university are taught by a number of professors and lecturers.

The University of Applied Sciences Ludwigsburg specialises in the education of management in public administration. The approximately 2500 students of the university are taught by a number of professors and lecturers. The two faculties,

  • Management and Law
  • Tax and Business Law

offer four Bachelor degrees and two Master degrees. Over 98% of all initially enrolled students complete their chosen study programme.

Graduates concluding their Bachelor studies are able to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in a professional environment. The didactical concept encourages scientific work and is designed to give graduates a sense of responsibility in the context of a free democratic and social constitutional state. The programmes enable the students to develop their academic, personal, social, team-building and business skills.

A distinguishing characteristic of the Bachelor programmes is the combination of academic work and practical experience in the form of traineeships in public administration at state and municipal level. Small study groups ensure excellent support can be given to individual students by the professors and lecturers. Applicants for the Bachelor programmes must have a valid higher education entrance qualification (e.g. A-levels).

The University offers two Master programmes: The full-time Master programme in European Public Administration prepares graduates for a career in senior civil service positions. The Master of Public Management is a part-time programme with a special focus on leadership and is designed for public administration employees seeking a senior management position.

In order to support our current students lectures at UE will continue as scheduled and will be delivered in a live, interactive and digital format until further notice. For September 2020 intake, all courses will start on campus as planned.

  • Ludwigsburg

    Hochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung und Finanzen Ludwigsburg, Postfach 0489

    University Of Applied Sciences Ludwigsburg