Hokkaido Pharmaceutical University School Of Pharmacy
Hokkaido University of Science is a comprehensive university with 4 faculties and 13 departments. Its predecessor, Hokkaido University of Science, changed its name to the current school name when the Faculty of Health Sciences was established in 2014. Furthermore, in April 2018, Hokkaido University of Science and Hokkaido College of Pharmacy were integrated to form the new Hokkaido University of Science.
Hokkaido University of Science is a comprehensive university with 4 faculties and 13 departments. Its predecessor, Hokkaido University of Science, changed its name to the current school name when the Faculty of Health Sciences was established in 2014. Furthermore, in April 2018, Hokkaido University of Science and Hokkaido College of Pharmacy were integrated to form the new Hokkaido University of Science.
The university has a mechanical engineering department, an information engineering department, an electrical and electronic engineering department, an architecture department, an urban environment department in the engineering department, a 6-year pharmacy department in the pharmacy department, a nursing department in the health care department, a physical therapy department, a prosthetic limb equipment department, a clinical engineering department, and medical treatment. The Department of Radiology and the Faculty of Future Design have the Department of Media Design and the Department of Human Sociology, and the Graduate School of Engineering, the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, and the Graduate School of Health Sciences have been established. It is a large university.
Based on the founding spirit, under the slogan of "+ Professional", looking at a rapidly changing society, universal humanity, communication skills, problem-solving skills, management skills, etc. required as members of society We aim to develop "+ Professional" human resources who have high expertise in each field while acquiring qualities as basic abilities.
In addition to community-based education and academic research, we would like to contribute to society through the return of research results to society and human resource development.
In 2020, we will play a part in this, "living better," "eating better," and "living better," which are directly linked to people's lives, such as overcoming diseases that plague humankind and solving food and environmental problems. In order to contribute to the promotion of the health and welfare of the region and the people through research on life science that contributes to the area of the North, we have newly established the "Northern Land Life Science Creation Research Institute".
We will continue to contribute to Hokkaido and aim to be a university that develops together with the region.
- Asahikawa
Asahikawa, Japan