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Higher Education Institution of the Province of Liège


The Higher Education Institution of the Province of Liège awards a wide range of Master and Bachelor Degrees in many subjects. Whatever the field of study, our Institution offers trainings combining theoretical and practical aspects as it allows students to carry out field placements and meet the professionals.

The Higher Education Institution of the Province of Liège awards a wide range of Master and Bachelor Degrees in many subjects. Whatever the field of study, our Institution offers trainings combining theoretical and practical aspects as it allows students to carry out field placements and meet the professionals.

From their very first year of studies, students are confronted with the real and professional world and are provided with efficient tools to do so. Though it remains a "school within the city", our Institution is fully involved in the Bologna Process and aims to open up to the whole of Europe. It has been collaborating, for years now, with other European HEI's and has developed fruitful mobility programmes for students. Proud to be known as a welcoming institution, the Higher Education Institution of the Province of Liège is fully integrated in the new European Higher Education Area.

  • Huy

    Avenue Delchambre,13, 4500, Huy

    Higher Education Institution of the Province of Liège