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Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport


Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport is the only sports university in Pomerania where theoretical and practical classes are conducted by both recognized scientists and highly qualified specialists in the areas relevant to individual fields of study, as well as coaches of Olympic and national teams and outstanding athletes. The didactic offer of Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport is modern, wide, and varied. As part of the field of study, a student may choose a specialization from a wide range of specializations designed to meet the needs of the labor market and supplement it with other specializations offered by the university.


Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport is the only sports university in Pomerania where theoretical and practical classes are conducted by both recognized scientists and highly qualified specialists in the areas relevant to individual fields of study, as well as coaches of Olympic and national teams and outstanding athletes.

The didactic offer of Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport is modern, wide, and varied. As part of the field of study, a student may choose a specialization from a wide range of specializations designed to meet the needs of the labor market and supplement it with other specializations offered by the university.

Student life flourishes at Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport, and students can develop their passions and interests, among others, in research clubs, in the Student Self-Government Council, in the ASA GUPES Sports Club, or in the “Neptun” Folk Dance Ensemble.

Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport is one of the best sports universities in Central and Eastern Europe according to the Shanghai Ranking’s Global Ranking of Sport Science Schools and Departments, 2020. In the Perspektywy magazine ranking for 2019, GUPES placed 2nd among all sports universities in Poland; the field of Physiotherapy also ranked 2nd, and the field of Physical Education was recognized as the best one in Poland.

Folk Dance Ensemble “Neptun”

It was set up in 1984 out of a love of dance and the need of the heart. Over 35 years, over 500 musicians, dancers, and students have left their hearts in the Ensemble. Participation in such a great undertaking as cultivating national traditions through involvement in the Ensemble was and is motivated by the desire to represent the City of Gdańsk, the Pomeranian region, and, above all, Poland in various festivals, concerts, and meetings promoting our country.

Academic Sports Association

ASA is the largest sports association in Poland that has been operating continuously for over a century. Thanks to its rich history, it has become the most numerous student organisation operating at Polish universities. The biggest stars in the past were, among others, Halina Konopacka, Waldemar Baszanowski and Jacek Wszoła, as well as our excellent Olympic medallists such as Leszek Blanik, Adam Korol, Tomasz Tomiak, Maciej Łasicki, Ania Rybicka, Sylwia Gruchała, Magda Mroczkiewicz, Ryszard Sobczak or Cezary Siess.

Student Self-Government Council (RSS)

RSS represents all GUPES students in general. The student council tries to solve all problems encountered by students, and it also organizes many events so that each graduate remembers studying at GUPES as the best and unique time in his/her life.

Careers Center (ACK)

GUPES ACK provides counseling that allows professionally diagnosing the optimal career development paths, as well as offers practical knowledge and develops skills that ensure appropriate behavior on the labor market, so as to increase the chances of university graduates to be employed by a selected employer.

  • 8 study programs
  • 50 professional coaches
  • 100 professors, researches
  • 9 sports sections of the ASA GUPES sports club
  • 174 academic teachers
  • 5 outdoor sports fields
  • 13 gyms
  • 2 sports halls
  • 1 swimming pool
  • 5 laboratories

    • Gdańsk

      ul. Kazimierza Górskiego 1, 80-336, Gdańsk

      Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport