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Gdańsk University of Technology


Gdańsk University of Technology (Polish name: Politechnika Gdańska) is one of the oldest universities in Poland and the largest technical university in Northern Poland. It was established in 1904 and since then has been educating world-class engineers in various areas of science and technology. Located in Gdańsk – a city with a thousand-year tradition and the gate to the Polish coastal line – it is the perfect place to study and enjoy student life.

Gdańsk University of Technology (Polish name: Politechnika Gdańska) is one of the oldest universities in Poland and the largest technical university in Northern Poland.

It was established in 1904 and since then has been educating world-class engineers in various areas of science and technology.

Located in Gdańsk – a city with a thousand-year tradition and the gate to the Polish coastal line – it is the perfect place to study and enjoy student life.

The highest standards in Europe for conducting research

In 2017, the European Commission granted Gdańsk Tech the right to use the prestigious HR Excellence in Research logo. Gdańsk University of Technology was thus recognized as an institution that creates some of the best working and development conditions for researchers in Europe.

One of the best universities in Poland

Gdańsk University of Technology is the second-best research university in Poland in the ‘Initiative of Excellence - Research University’ competition of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. It is here where inventions used in Poland and around the world are created - communication with the use of eyes, ecological medicine for osteoporosis, biodegradable materials, and many more.

Read more on the institution's website

Main strengths Gdańsk University of Technology

  • Gdańsk University of Technology became the best technical research university in Poland in the competition of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
  • The University is composed of 8 faculties with 37 fields of study.
  • It employs over 1000 academic teachers and educates 13 thousand students.
  • Graduates not only find a job easily after graduation but also often successfully create and run their own businesses.*
  • For potential candidates, it is important to know that Gdańsk University of Technology is one of the most popular universities among young people.
  • International students at Gdańsk Tech enjoy unique support, both during the admission process and the duration of their studies, from the Welcome Office**– an entity dedicated to promoting the University internationally, recruiting candidates from abroad, and supporting newcomers.

*According to a nationwide survey, earnings of Gdańsk University of Technology graduates are in fourth place among graduates in the country.

** Welcome Office is a part of the International Relations Office of Gdańsk University of Technology and was created to provide information and counseling to international candidates and students. Supportive, multilingual staff can answer questions regarding applications, the university, legalization of stay in Poland, accommodation, and help with solving any problems that may arise.

    Study and education in a beautiful place

    The campus of Gdańsk University of Technology is a unique place, considered to be one of the most beautiful in Europe. Places to relax in green areas, a student club with a long tradition, and the best ‘Juwenalia’ (student holiday) in Poland are just some of the opportunities that await future students. All this in the middle of the Tri-City agglomeration - one of the best places to live in Poland.

      Students of Gdańsku University of Technology may aplly for :

      • maintenance grant;
      • disability grant;
      • special assistance grant;
      • rector's scholarship;

      Other scholarships available for Gdańsk Tech candidates:

      • NAWA scholarships for international candidates
      • Visegrad Scholarship Programme

      Our alumni

      As many as 95% of Gdańsk Tech graduates are satisfied with their studies. Over 92% of our alumni are professionally active, and research shows that their salaries are among the highest in Poland.

        • First place in 2018 and second place in 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 in the ranking of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education measuring the popularity of studies among candidates.
        • Gdańsk Tech was classified as one of the 10 most beautiful universities in Europe according to the Times Higher Education University Rankings.
        • First in Poland in the ranking of green universities UI Green Metric
        • Classified in THE World University Rankings, Eduniversal Best Masters, QS EECA and Shanghai Ranking

        Among the 1000 best universities in the world

        Gdańsk University of Technology is one of the 8 Polish universities classified in the prestigious Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), also known as the Shanghai Ranking. Each year, ARWU ranks over 2 000 universities and publishes a list of the top 1 000 best ones. Gdańsk University of Technology was classified in the 801-900 range in 2020.

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        • Gdańsk

          Gdańsk University of Technology 11/12 Gabriela Narutowicza Street 80-233 Gdańsk, 80, Gdańsk

        Gdańsk University of Technology